First the suckers, in no particular order:
1. Bush and his cronies (ok, this is #1 on purpose)
2. Empty wine bottles
3. Cramps
4. Dead end jobs that suck the life out of you
5. Most Mondays
6. The end of vacations that find you in a cab to the airport, crying
7. Empty checking accounts when there's still checks left
8. Online orders that take too long to arrive and then don't fit or disappoint in some other way
9. Senseless deaths (as though there are any really deaths that make sense)
10. Flat tires, or having to replace tires in general. We'll file this one under "tires" just to cover all bases.
And now, things that don't, similar order description:

1. Happy boys, especially the Roommate and Rufus
2. Unexpected bonus checks
3. Summer and roof-off-the-Jeep-for-three-months
4. Oregon Pinot Noir
5. Possibilities
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