Thursday, April 26, 2007


I am pooped. Turning pissed off customers into happy customers is HARD WORK, but alas, it's a way of life at H & K, I tell ya. I did have a pain=-in-the-ass customer fire me yesterday, wants a different care rep. PERMISSION GRANTED! Too bad I already fixed all his whiny-assed billing issues, but he's not my problem anymore. Another of my customers is leaving for another provider and I wanted to tell her "Not surprised, I didn't think you were a moron". So that's been my life today---aching legs, feet and head. Nothing that a chilled glass of "pink wine" can fix (70 calories).

Speaking of the diet thing, didn't do too well today. Started off with instant rice noodles (sans oil) but went to hell from there. On my way to a customer appointment I drove through Jack in the Crack for fried chicken chunks. Bad, very bad. But in a good way, but at least I hit the gym after. Tomorrow is another day.

Happy Last Thursday!


Lee said...

Go for a glass and a half of the 'pink wine'. It sounds s if you deserve it.

Gnomeself Be True said...

I'm denying myself sugar in my coffee for the duration, in honor of your efforts.
I hope that helps.

Go Nicole Yourself said...

every day is a fresh start girl. I had 4 glasses of red wine last night. Whoopsie.