The baby has been completely emptied of stuffing, turned inside-out and abandoned. Say goodbye to $2.99.
Poor unbaptized, dead baby. Too bad the Pope took away Limbo, this dead baby is cursed to roam the earth as an undead soul.
And so is the lifespan of the Rufus baby. Someone should make a National Geographic special on this topic.
...and you paid $3 for that? Very efficient in his destruction.
Take him to the park and get him laid. That'd be free and would last at least as long.
Awwww....poor hell bound baby!!! Looks like when Lola gets into my q-tips....shit man. Our animals are crazy....but so cute in the act!!!
Is it really supposed to get over 70 here today? and I'm freakin stuck in the damn office?! shit!! c'mon 5:00!
Georgie is the EXACT same way, toys last all of about 10 minutes, then she too, carries around the "carcas" for as long as she can before I throw it away.
We could become RICH if we could figure out an indistructible soft toy for dogs.
Georgie doesn't like the hard toys.
Rufus likes the hard toys ok but I don't. He likes to drop them on the hardwood floors the roommate just had refinished. Loud and the really hard ones dent.
I hope that's environmentally friendly recyclable stuffing in that dead baby there...
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