Monday, April 02, 2007

Dinner done gone

If there's one thing I can do well, it's gotta be making a frickin' excellent lasagna. And if there's one thing the Roommate can do exceptionally well, it's eat, anything really but I gotta tell ya he can put a hurting on one of my lasagnas.

As I've mentioned before, I "action cook" meaning I tend not to follow recipes therefore I never make a dish the same way twice. Yesterday evening I made two lasagnas and as of 22 hours later, this is all that remains of the first---say your prayers for the second
(and these are normal sized lasagnas, here). Somehow the combination of the ingredients and their portions hit critical mass and a masterpiece was born. I'm getting hungry just looking at the photo. Boytek, I know you are hoping for a smidgen of lasagna come Friday night but it ain't looking good.

I'd offer to give you the recipe but you'd be sorely disappointed. Awe, what the hell, here goes:

House of Suz secret lasagna
around a pound of ground turkey
6 turkey Italian sausage (roommate doesn't eat pork or beef), casing removed
many cans with tomato stuff in them in (as in paste, sauce and whole), more the merrier
big ass onion
garlic, enough to choke a vampire
enough salt
enough pepper
more fresh basil than you'd expect
fresh oregano
big box of lasagna noodles
ricotta cheese (here's a secret, I used more than I usually do and you can tell. Yum!)
mozzarella cheese (same here)
Parmesan cheese (duh, it's cheese! Tons!)
throw away pans because I ain't cleaning up too

Prepare and bake. Eat all in one serving. Evidently serves 2 although I believe the Roommate could have killed it off alone if necessary.

Evidently I am not destine to be a cook book writer.

I'm gonna eat. Bon appetite, ya'll!


Gnomeself Be True said...

You had me at Lasagne...

Shawna said...

If I remember correctly, one time, when I visited you years ago w/Jodi, I made my lasagne, and it had meat in it (which if I recall, you aren't really into ground beef or something) and you ended up going for 3rds....??? Is that correct?

Now I need to make some...

My lasagne can kick your lasagne's ass! hehehe