I admit it, I have been quite lax in my posting as of late (reading your daily blogs as well) but the sad truth is I have been putting WORK ahead of my personal internet perusing. Yeah, still trying to figure that one out. Anyway, here's an update:
Today I got to sit through a system training with one caveat, the system we were being trained on was down at the time of our training session so we had "use your imagination exercise" training. I feel very confident I am not comfortable using this system in the future.
I am working from home today, unfortunately with a gassy dog.
It is beautiful out today in Portland (above photo taken just now) and the cloudless sky should continue through late evening......until early morning Saturday when it starts raining, non-stop mind you, for the remainder of the weekend. Yea, I love the little work day tease followed by a soggy weekend. Good news is it should clear up on Tuesday but the 10 day says rain again next weekend. Just call me Debby Downer.
I feel like I am way behind the ball on the "copycat school terror" bullshit that's been sweeping across the country since the events Monday at Virginia Tech. Seems everyone's doing it but me, so how will I ever get Anderson Cooper to put me on 360? Too bad I don't go to school----or own a gun for that matter. I suspect I shall never be cool (especially if I keep using the word "shall"). On a related note, if you ever saw Gus Van Sant's movie "Elephant", a movie about a high school where a group of kids do just what that crazy shit did on Monday, you probably have an idea of what the school building where the story too place looked like. Well, Elephant was filmed just 2 blocks directly behind the Roommate's house and while I've been working from home the last month or so I have been treated to the almost constant banging and jackhammering going on as a crew demolishes the structure. I'll try to get a photo of the huge pile of rubble.
Have a grand weekend, all!
1 comment:
They never should have aired those tapes.
Nut cases all over must be lining up right now for the chance to have their persecutory fantasies played, posthumously, on the evening news.
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