a) it's Friday and is supposed to get over 70 degrees out today, with sun
b) I had a Webex training schuled at 7 am so I rolled out of bed at 6:50 and logged on sans the 45 minute commute
c) because I can
The Roommate is coming down with a cold my dear friends have been kind enough to pass around our groop so I interrupted my training to run to the drugstore to get their version of Airborne (on sale 3 for ten bucks!) and picked up a cute little fox chew toy for my darling Rufus. This little squeaking piece of fabric has made him sooooooo happy. He's pacing around the house with it in his mouth, whimpering and occasionally stopping to squeak it. This is the honeymoon phase of the relationship. Pure bliss, and it will probably last about 20 minutes. Next comes the phase where he shakes it violently for about 5 minutes which is followed by the tear-it's-guts-out phase, which usually takes about 1 minute. This is followed by the me-cleaning-up-the-cotton-batting phase, followed by Rufus tossing around the unstuffed carcase for a month until the Roommate finally give it a proper burial (like the Moffia, dumped in a trash can). I wish $2.99 could make me so happy for so long.
Ok, lets step back a moment to the top of this post where I listed my reasons for working from home today. Point #2 mentions a mandatory two hour billing training I was required to either attend yesterday at noon or this morning at 7 am. Our corporate office is on the East Coast and the training department evidentally can't recall our company having offices on the West Coast, so mandatory training only offered at the traditional lunch hour or before office hours isn't an issue for anyone. Just wanted to voice that opinion. Also, evidently working in total darkness isn't a problem either, but I digress.
And finally, a recap from last night's foray into the monthly art walk, Last Thursday, a few blocks from our house. We did our usual walk to the first bar we came across and planted our asses on bar stools the entire night. We never seem to make it to any art booths, but no matter. Anyway, had we walked about 12 blocks further we would have been in the middle of this ruckus. I guess we're lucky we are easily distracted by booze.
Have a great weekend! Tomorrow night I'll be heading out to Newberg to watch my oldest friends graduate. He's been going to school to get his bachelor's off and on for the last 25 years. The funniest part is he's a devout atheists and he has had the privilege of attending a Christian college in Texas as well as a Christian college here in Oregon, from which he will be graduating in fact. Seems Christians accept more earned credits than regular colleges. Congrats Mark! Job well done (as in takes longer, like with steaks). Wonder if this chick is in his class. Maybe they should date.
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