Thursday, June 29, 2006

PHOTO ESSAY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

I guess you all figured out I've no intention of posting the rest of the Grand Floral parade photos, but I do have a little taste of Pride, Seattle style. Oh, and we managed to miss the parade again (I had missed the Portland parade the weekend before) because we were drinking mimossas at Pesos.....again.

Boys will be boys, and the boy on the bottom will be a little flatter than he was when he was tackled.

Rusty and Bill. It took us forever to get Bill to take off his shirt. But once we got it off, it stayed off.

Cutest men at Pride.

And you know Sarahbeth, if there's a gaggle of half nekked men, she's gonna wedge herself in there somehow.

Rusty and Denny playing in the fountain. Sphincterine, you got nothing on a good hosing out.

Guess who got in the fountain as well? Three went in......and three came out, all with wet phones.

Good times, good times. Next up, Vancouver BC Pride, first weekend of August.

Wednesday, June 28, 2006

........with fava beans and a nice chianti.......

I'm not feeling well today. Got myself one of those summer colds that simply and thoroughly suck ass and make you wish it was February so you can just go back to bed and not worry about missing a beautiful weather day, but I guess I'll have to post a blog in spite of my lack of energy and general overall bad feelings or ALL HELL WILL BREAK LOSE (ie: I'll get snarky comments left on my most recent post) so here goes. I am writing this at work but will forward it to my home e-mail so my work internet won't convince my blog to show me another lesson about wasting company time when I attempt to post. Nice try internet, this is just crazy enough to work…………..

"I can almost smell stuff with this on, but only almost"

So, it's been a long time since I've posted about Rufus, so I expect NO arguments from Leigh or Tammy, got that clear? Anyway, the Roommate put his foot down and said "no more Rufus running free in the neighborhood terrorizing children and biting fingers" or else. The "or else" part concerns me and/or Rufus finding another place to call home. In case you just climbed out from under the rock you've been living under for the past 2.5 years, my dog has a biting problem that stems from our seemingly innocent enough attempt to correcting his hearing issues, specifically his "selective" hearing. That dog was born stubborn and the fact that the Roommate shamelessly spoils him (and by "Roommate" I of course mean me. The dog sleeps in my bed, eats what I eat and even has a glass of wine from time to time and has been known to hit me from time to time when I disobey him). Our solution to curing his hearing issues was to get him intense training, shipping him off to doggie charm school for a month where he was introduced to a hearing aid (re: Mr. Shockcollar), which did in fact cure his hearing issues but also gave him a secondary problem: fearfulness. The dog is now afraid of strangers which causes him to attack strangers first and ask questions later. The obvious solution for this was a muzzle, but I could only find the kind that holds the snout closed and therefore prevents wearer from being able to pant, drink water or stick out his tongue more than a quarter of an inch. It also makes him look like a rat, which bothers me more than it does Rufus.

Face Crate
"Just wait till you fall asleep, then I'll get ya!"

When the ultimatum came down from the Roommate I immediately started looking for an apartment, but quickly realized a muzzle was a less expensive solution that didn't involve the renting of u-hauls or packing of wine glasses, so I opted out and hopped onto the internet. I was able to find this lovely Italian-designed "face crate" (as I call it) which allows the wearer to drink water (or wine), pant and even eat a treat or two while successfully preventing him from sinking his K-9s into any unsuspecting person simply wanting to pet his cute little scruffy head. It also renders the wearer a virtual Hannibal Lector look alike. I refer to the face crate as the "cheese basket" when addressing Rufus as he frequently finds chunks of cheese at the bottom (that's how I trained him to put his fearful beak in it) and Rufus has come to realize that wearing it adds the extra bonus of doggie walks down Alberta Street. Without bloodshed, by the way. I don't think we have to worry about screaming masses running from Rufus's gnashing jaws when this puppy is securely in place on his noggin. Added bonus: I don't look like I'm taking a rat for a walk. So at least for now it looks like we have a solution to Rufus's bloodletting. Stay tuned for updates.

Tuesday, June 27, 2006

We'll have a gay ol' time...until the blogger gods eat the goddamn post.

Well, this isn't working for me.

I had written a whole blog and snickered to myself because it was just that funny and it had the story about how a Canadian coin had gotten in the dashboard-lighter-plug and blew the fuses and the satelight radio wouldn't work and then the Roommate wouldn't let me talk unless I "sang it" for 5 whole miles. But the blogger gods are spiteful and ate the whole funnier-than-shit post just to make me mad. Well SCORE A POINT FOR THE BLOGGER GODS, CAUSE I'M LIVID.

Just saying.

So let's not waste anymore of MY time (ie: H&K's time*) retelling funny stories about gayness and describing how Our Rusty got a spincterine spa day compliments of Seattle Parks and Recreation during Pride. And let's forget all about long hairs in the 5 Spot eggs, Baby Jesus being locked in the hot car all day and certain females licking certain nekked gay men's chests. Oh yes, let's just skip all that and not bother the spiteful Blogger Gods with any of that boring blogable bullshit, even if us humans think it might get a chuckle out of someone. Just go ahead and eat the goddamn post, I hope it gives you diarrhea. I truly do.

I'm going to go home (early), pour myself a gallon or two of wine and see if my mood gets any better. If it does I may just try to recreate the magic that should have been today's post....but if I were you I wouldn't count on it.

*Think it's any coincidence that my blog only gets "eaten" when I try to post on company time?

Friday, June 23, 2006

Bye bye

I had my "products" final today at Hugs and Kisses and I had to make a 85% to pass. It was hard, ya'll! 50 product specific questions and it made my HEAD HURT. I checked the questions FOUR TIMES to make sure there weren't any "trick" questions I had misread and finally I hit the send button. Hope hope hope hope. I had to pass because that test was too hard to have to take again. I got my answer back immediately. 98%! Yep, I'm MISS H&K, 2006. I'm so proud.

Ok kids, I'm off to Seattle for a weekend of Sarahbeth, Rusty and Pride! I'll clear the memory card on my camera to make room for the debauchery!

Wednesday, June 21, 2006

Summertime, and the livin's easy...

This my Jeep. When I brought it home three years ago the Roommate said "I'm not going to think of this so much as "your" Jeep, but more like "my" Jeep". When I showed my disproval at the sudden change in ownership (all the while the payments were to remain with me) he corrected himself with "Ok, our Jeep".

So, since the weather man says that the next 10 days will consist of ONLY sunshine (a little haze in the morning, burning off my noon) I have removed the canvas top (hopefully for the next 3 months), it being the first day of Summer and all. Although summer doesn't offically start here until sometime after Independence Day signifying the end of 9 months of rain, although only haulting briefly. Summers in Portland are glorious and I'm enjoying it, even if I freeze my ass off on my 45 minute morning commute.

And yes, there's a tube of sunblock in the driver's door pocket. Too bad they don't make rain block; fingers crossed we don't get a downpour.

Be careful what you ask for, you just might get it....

The nagging has simply got to stop and the only way to stop you is to go ahead and post the photo essay entitled Remains of the Grand Floral Parade! Oh, and please remember these photos were taken from a third story fire escape on the parade route by a slightly drunken camera.


These cute little dragon-like rascals came all the way from the Republic of China to do their "Dance to Rejoice to the Great Big Clock", which is a tradition they perform to their Sister City every year. I don't remember which Chinese city is our sister, but I have a feeling she's got a different father.

Already the trusty camera has gotten into the spirit of the parade and set itself to "blurry", which actually makse the photos quite a bit more interesting, like the photo above. Horses adorned with flowers and slightly pudgy rodeo queens were the order of the day, because we obviously have them in spades here in Oregon.

The camera has kicked itself into "blurry overdrive" for this shot, and I'd love to tell you what this float is about but I seriously can not. I am waiting for a roller coaster to come roaring around that track any minute now, but since this isn't a film clip I'd suggest you not sit staring and wait for it. Ain't gonna happen, toots.

There was a marching band called "Second Time Around" and is all about people's who's sad lives peaked in high school when they were in the school marching band. Sad. It's nice we give them their 2 and a half seconds of local fame and allow them to play pitiful little their hearts out while we stiffe our own embarassed laughter. But seriously, how many times can you sit through "Louie, Louie"? Oh, and they had majorities AND a flag line. Sad, just sad. Maybe there's a theme old folks home for them in their collective futures.

Check out tomorrow for the remainder of the blurry Floral Parade from HELL!

Tuesday, June 20, 2006

Too funny!

I stole this link from Lawdawg. Too funny.

Monday, June 19, 2006

Everyone loves girl bands!

Obviously this isn't that Grand Floral photo essay I've been promissing you (and you keep falling for it, too, don't ya?) but it'll have to do for now.

This weekend Sarahbeth came down from Seattle to have her hair done (evidently they don't do beehive hairdo's anywhere in Seattle anymore so she had to go to Gresham for it) so we got together with the Roommate, the Boy and Michelle and headed out for a show at Doug Fur. If you've never heard of Dirty Martini, a local "girl fronted" band, check out their site, they're pretty cool and there's even a link to the December concert the Roommate and I went to which was kinda bizare. Will of Be the Boy fame, will love them for several reasons, I bet! 'Cause Will likes music and he likes hot chicks.

Then on Sunday my friend Pat and I were at Pride when we saw this band that I don't think Will would appreciate as much as Dirty Martini, unless he likes to take the train to tranny-ville. I didn't catch their name but how many tranvestite rock bands could there be, right? The photo is a little blurry but I have a feeling you'd thank me for that.


Thursday, June 15, 2006

When the going gets tough, the tough get going, right? Well, I took just that attitude today when I once again found myself banging my head on my keyboard and I walked right the fuck out of H&K and crawled right back to Asshole Co and begged on hands and knees for my old position back, even if it included a pay cut. And then that little piggy sprouted wings and flew right out of my butt. As Shirly Q Liquor says, Shooooot. Of course I wouldn't pitch it all in after investing all of two and a half weeks at this new employer, that would be silly. Hell, no, what I did was I was all crafty and devious (two of my finer qualities) and figured that it's time I take matters into my own hands and make this new gig work for me. So I asked the chick that I replaced to show me the ropes. Now you probably have this stupid look on your face right now thinking to yourself "Duh! Isn't that what she's supposed to do, considering she's right there in the office and all" and to that I have to say ..........FUCK YES, that IS what should have happened from the start but my manager-in-Ohio told me the chick I replaced is in a different department now (re: somebody else's bitch) and I was not to bother her although she contained in her brain all the skills and info I needed to absorb to do the job I was hired for. Well, I guess I showed my boss, and I guess I also kinda told my out-of-state boss just that today, but I think she'll survive. I could have been all spiteful and said something to the tune of "Since your training program is not only FUCKED-THE-SHIT-UP but it's also pretty non-existent, therefore I decided someone around here needed to use the brain god gave them and think up a new, better and more reasonable plan, especially since you expect me to blindly poke around in these programs and hope I find something---most likely by accident---that will do some good while at the same time waste a shitload of my time. But no, I simply told her I got said former employee of hers to walk me through LiNX so I could take care of the urgent issues for the customer we were discussing right then and there. So I spun it like a wheel of fortune and it landed on me looking like a go-getter, and not the spiteful, disgruntle employee that I happen to be. But who noticed that?

So that melt down I had yesterday on this very site? Well, it's all taken care of and not by the corporate office either, toots. Deal with it.

Ok, so now to the picture above. I had mentioned in passing a photo essay about the Flower Power Parade, oh, er.......Grand Floral Parade. Yeah, well my photos suck with a capitol S and when steven* left a comment saying he had HUNDREDS of photos and couldn't WAIT to see my essay!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! (please note all the !s) I decided my essay wouldn't so, oh, how do you people say it in English.....oh, yeah, my essay wouldn't be so NOT SUCKY, I decided to spin that a bit ,too. So here's the tease. My blog isn't going to be "Look at all my beautiful, almost professional and ready for framing" photos, it will be my "We were on a 3rd floor fire escape and although I wasn't drunk yet, it appears my camera was" photo essay (exhibit A above). Stay tuned, and you can thank steven* for that.

*And I would have been more than happy to put steven's hyper-link there but blogger is acting up today and being the bitch she thinks she can be. She wouldn't let me cut and past this whole blog, for god's sake, where is the love? I know!!!!! The most basic of computer shit stuff. Oh no, probably shouldn't have said that, now she's going to eat my post. Fingers crossed---I'm too afraid of her to even spell check.

Wednesday, June 14, 2006

So, anywho….I was reading Lawdawg’s most recent post (check out my snarky comment) and couldn’t help but relate---identify if you will. Although I didn’t really have a life’s plan in place (big-ass snicker there!) before, I thought I’d be living someone else’s life by now. Like Andy Warhol's for example, you know, someone else doing my artwork, me getting all the glory and money and having that stellar lifestyle he enjoyed in the 70’s. Instead I’m stuck in what appears to be another telecom hell hole which is quite a bit different than the whole Studio 54/Warehouse gig I rightly have coming to me. If only I had kept my receipt, I could probably have taken this shitty life back to Neiman’s and traded it in for something fresher and definitely less worn out, thread bare-ish as it is. And a bit more stylish, thank you very much.

But then again, it appears THIS life actually came from Kmart, and I think it’s already been returned at least once, probably because of a manufacturer’s defect . That’s what happens when you shop for your future in the bargain bin. Prices may be good, but the wares are worn out.

Tuesday, June 13, 2006

Pisses me off.

It must be this computer or the internet here at work but MY BLOG JUST ATE MY POST! I wasted 20 minutes of Hugs and Kisses time on that and when I went to post it, it simply disappeared.

I'm sure that sounds like a lie but had I wanted to make up a reason for losing a post I'd have simply said "My dog ate it" because NO ONE who's met him would argue that he couldn't eat a blog post.

But of course my blog wouldn't eat THIS post. Only the funny one. So I guess it's YOU suffering.

Ok, so just to get his over with, I was saying in my funny post that my mind was spinning because finally after being here three weeks my boss in Ohio finally realized she needs to give me direction. And by direction I mean making sure I've got access with WORKING PASSWORDS AND LOGINS to programs that I actually need to do, well, ANYTHING just about. But anyway, I am getting perks here at good ol' H&Ks. Like they gave me a cube in a quiet area all by myself* and they gave me a laptop meaning I can work from home. And they gave me another cell phone, which I'm sure will only be used when my personal phone's battery dies which has already come in handy. And they gave me my own personal H&K paycheck. And not only is it all shiny and new but the check was for my first 4 days here and it was way more than I got at my old job for a full week's work. That'll come in handy when I'm paying bills..............and purchasing wine .

So all in all, it's kinda ok here at H&Ks. Ok, I better post this quick before my blog eats it again.

*Probably so my crying about usless logins and the droning tutorials I have to listen to would drive the others crazy.


Monday, June 12, 2006

Restaurant Review. "Waiter, may I have a barf bag?"

I'll have a photo essay on the Grand Floral parade in the next day or so (I have some blurry photos to weed through) so you've got that to look forward to (Yea! A reason not to commit suicide this week!) but until then I have a nice little story about our brunch excursion yesterday.

Considering the Roommate, Boytek and I woke up with one slight hangover each yesterday, we decided to go get some breakfast and bloody marys to take the edge off. Since it's so close to the house we decided to drive down up-and-coming Alberta Ave to find a trendy spot for some chow, hopefully in a pool of sunshine on a nice patio somewhere. Now I think Alberta needs a few more restaurants that are open for Sunday brunch, because there were not that many to choose from and the ones that were open had huge crowds of people milling about at on the sidewalk out front, waiting for their tables. We decided to hit the Tin Shed, the food is reasonable and the cocktails generous, so we headed in to add a name to the wait list. Which was quite long. Extremely long but what the heck, there weren't that many other options so we got on the wait and decided to do some window shopping to kill time. We walked up the street several blocks, looking in store windows and then what the heck, let's get a cup of joe. We managed to kill quite a bit of time at the coffee shop since it took about 20 minutes to make the Roommate's latte. He was standing at the counter waiting for it when a waitress plopped down a tray of blue berry muffins, fresh out of the oven, right in front of him. It's a good thing he bought one because little did we know it would be quite some time before we'd be eating.

After a half hour passed we thought it best to head back to the restaurant to check on the wait list's progress. There were quite a few more people hanging out in front of the café but we assumed we would be called and ushered to our seats any minute now. After some time passed there was room on the bench under the front window so we sat down and waited. And waited, all the while the Roommate chanted "After this group, we're next" over and over again. When the Roommate's name followed by "party of three" was finally called we made our way to the patio area. Hmmm, our table was not bathed in a pool of sunlight as we had hoped, it was on the covered patio, but that was fine, an hour and ten minutes was plenty long enough a wait for a table, no reason to wait even longer.

So we sat waiting for our waiter. And we waited. When he finally showed up we had all already decided on our breakfast choices, having had plenty of time to read the entire menu several times over. And the Mercury. And War and Peace and the Bible as well. We ordered our bloody marys and food. And waited. Finally the drinks came and since there was celery in the bloody marys we at least we had something to eat since it was an hour from when we sat down to when we got our food, which was marginal at best. And to add insult to injury, as I cut into my potatocake I was shocked to find a hair. And not just a regular, everyday hair, but a short one that looked suspiciously like a pube. I was trying to convince myself that maybe it was one of the hippy-girl waitress's arm pit hair, but that didn't make me feel very much better. But fear not, there may have been a hair in my potatoes, but at least the Tin Shed did better this visit than my last, which was about six months ago when I found broken glass in my mimosas; at least they only grossed me out this time as opposed to possibly causing bodily harm.

So, rating for Tin Shed this visit? D minus minus. That was 3 hours of my life that I'll never get back and I was sickened by the hair and lackluster food. Thank god the waiter comped my meal, but you better believe I won't be visiting that establishment anytime soon. I'm thinking two strikes and you're out, this go 'round. Sorry Charlie, game over.

Thursday, June 08, 2006

Congrats to Erin!

Check this shit out. My favorite post of Erin's is the one about sending the snarky e-mail to her boss, I laughed so hard I peed my pants a little. But just a little. I want to be this woman.

Congrats Erin! I already ordered my copy!

Tuesday, June 06, 2006


It has been a long time hasn't it? What with me and the new job and new man and all, my head is simply spinning! If I'm not sitting through a 4 and a half hour training session on a useless ordering system I have no intention of utilizing I'm...........doing something way more fun than a Linx training session, if you know what I mean. *wink wink* But I digress............

Yesterday evening I cocktails with M (she who showed her "wares" on the Wine-O tour, if you will---and said "wares" carries a heavy dose of "not wearing", if you want to be literal----but I digress). I met Miss M, the Chasted (patron saint of denial) at a riverfront restaurant/bar this evening so I could whine and moan about Hugs and Kisses and about how so corporate and stupid it is and was rewarded with not only happy hour fare but also the lovely shot above*. Got my PaD shot as well as a buzz, thank you very much. That's killing 2 birds with one stone. Big check mark after that entry on my training sheet. Anyway, this is a fairly uninteresting shot of a dragon boat, as in the lander's competition dragon boat. Evidently a dragon boat race is part of the Rose Festival here in Portland in June and there were several teams out there practicing yesterday evening but this is as close as they came to me.

* Ok, ok, it's nothing to write home about but at least I finally dragged that damn camera out of my handbag and actually took a photograph. Don't I at least get credit for that? I'm in training for a technical job here, people! Give me an F'n break.

Answers finally

I'm not sure about this new job, it's really gettin in the way of my blogging. Anyway, here's the answers to iamnot's questions:

Color or B&W

This all depends on what you’re talking about; photographs or movies, I’d have to go with B&W. If you’re talking about dreams, I’d say color, because I only dream in color.

Moe or Larry

This completely depends on if YOU (meaning you, I AM NOT) want to be the leader or the second banana. Me? I can go either way.

Curly or Shemp?

First off, Stooges are strictly for children or grown men, which would be both I guess. Second, Shemp = chump.

Beef or fish?

I will pick a bottom-feeder over a cow any day. My family went on the American Heart Association diet when my dad had his first heart attack when I was in high school. Plus McDonald’s considers cow’s eyeballs as “100% beef”, so it’s a no-brainer.

Pork or chicken?

What happened to choice #3, chicken wrapped in bacon. Case closed.

Potatoes or rice?

Potatoes any day, any way. I’m Irish.

Books or movies?

I’m a big fan of both forms of art but there are obvious differences. Movies can be enjoyed with other while books, after one is in the upper grade school years, is a solo gig. So it depends on if you want to share the experience or go it alone.

Music or TV?

Most TV is pooh, but then again so is most popular music, but there’s far more good music than TV, so I’m going with music.

Baseball or basketball?

Both are boring and cater to “superstars”. Minor league soccer is better. Same with hockey.

Cat or dog?

Oh, pleeeeze! What do you think I’m going to say? Even though the vet , JUST TODAY, said that Rufus has…….ummm……….”psychological issues” if you will (ie: CRAZY FUCK), I’m going to vote for a nut-job dog over a spiteful cat any day. But the dog has “mind control” over me so take it with a grain of salt.

M&Ms or Skittles?

The former is redundant and the latter lacks class. Wilbur Buds are my snack choice (google it, I dare you).

Pepsi or Coke?

Well, considering Coke marketed “Fanta” for the Nazi market as to not tarnish their pro-American image, I’m going to say………..neither. I don’t do “pop”.

Coffee or Starbucks?

Ok, considering I live in the Pacific Northwest, home of Starbucks, where the coffee house you visit, be it a chain or a local home-roaster, is a reflection on your own personal worth as a human being, I am forced to say I drink…..wait for it…..I drink HOME BREWED COFFEE. $5 a cup? My daddy didn’t raise no fool.

Vanilla or chocolate?

What are we talking here? Ice cream? Candle scents? Racial slur? Just kidding about the last one*. I’m voting for vanilla, unless you’re talking DARK chocolate.

Bottom or top?

Again, it depends on what you’re referring to. In a gay bar this could be a deal breaker. In my bedroom it’s a request.

Soda or ice tea?

Iced tea, I am a Southern Bell, after all, house wine of the south. Only not “sweet tea”, that’ll make your teeth rot.

Windows or Mac?

I wish I could say Mac because that is the computer the artsy folks use, but I work in telecom. Dick-head windows for me, I’m afraid.

Plastic or paper?

Paper, I use it for the recycling.

Carpet or tile?

Hello? You can put an area rug on top of tile but you can’t put tile on top of wall to wall. Duh.

Almond Joy or Mounds?

I love almonds but only like dark chocolate so I in a dilemma, and am undecided.

Salt water or fresh?

Better waves at the salt water beach.

Beach or mountain?

I live in Oregon, so I already have both.

Dinner at 7 or 9?

Depends on if there’s cocktails before dinner; if so 7 because it leaves more drink hours for your buck

Abstract or Impressionist?

Abstract (she says with both eyes on the right side of her head.

PETA or pass the chicken?

I don’t know, I’ve never tasted PETA.

Single malt or blended?

Everything’s better single.

Licorice or Red Vines?

Licorice. Once you go black………….

White wine or red?

Red, but it better not be a fucking merlot!

Wall flower or lampshade?

Lampshade, I was way too shy for too long to go back.

Debit or credit?

Debit, don’t like to spend what I don’t have.

Spoon me or give me my space?

Absence doesn’t make the heart grow fonder, spoon me please.

Evening or morning?

Cocktail hour starts off the better of the two; a hangover the other.

Wake the neighbors or wake me when you’re done?


Over easy or scrambled?

Over easy, I eat the yolks with bread and the Roommate eats the whites. Then we split the hashbrowns and pancackes.

Biscuits or rolls?

Bread’s bread, although I do likes me some Popeye’s biscuits.

Glass and steel or wood and brick?

Depends on the mood but I do love the clean lines of modern architecture, so I’ll go with the former.

Jetski or canoe?

I may surprise you with this one, canoe.

Get it when you can or take it when you need it?

What about get it when you need it?

*My attorney made me add this.

Thursday, June 01, 2006

Wine-O Tour 2006, a photo essay.

Well, let me just tell you right now that Wine-O Tour '06 was an absolute, screaming success! The Roommate found a 26-seater Excursion for us, far larger and longer than the wimpy 18-seater we've used in the past. The above shot is an interior shot when we were just starting out on the 45 minute to an hour commute to Yamhill County which has the highest concentration of wineries close to Portland.

This is a side shot of the limo at our second winery stop. The New Guy is hiding behind the door frame---only shot I got of him. Hmmm, what's with that? But anyway, isn't it HUGE? Hey, mind out of the gutter, I'm talking about the limo-----pleeeze! The limo driver had to back this puppy up a curvy incline as that was the only way to get this monster up the driveway to the winery, since the road was serpentine and all that. Yes, he got a BIG extra tip on top of his usual tip. Very impressive but you wouldn't know it from the scene inside the limo---everyone was way more concerned with filling glasses and munching on cheese wedges.

Here's Jack leading the way to our last stop of the 4 wineries we visited. I am surprised I didn't get any photos at my favorite winery, Erath, but fear not, I did instead purchase 2 cases of their wine---a fact I didn't realize until my bank account let me know today when it was oh, about 400 dollars shy of what I thought it should be. But what the heck, it IS Erath Pinot Noir. You know damn well I'm going to drink it. By the way, does anyone know why I bought 2 cases here along with the case I got at Rex Hill? Anyone? Anyone? Oh, yeah, I was drunk.

This shot is from the ride home. Does anyone notice everyone is just a little more animated than in the first shot? Hmmm, wonder what caused all the happiness? Oh, wait, it's got to be the THREE FUCKING CASES OF ERATH ON THE SEAT! Twenty bucks says they didn't make it home intact.