I took this shot out at the Nike campus the other day, poor thing is the only one left out there as all the other have flown the coop for winter. Wonder if this guy's already headed out or if he's going to stick around for free french fries.
Only time will tell.
Something tels me we need anotner pet, can you imagine having a duck in the house?
Didn't you used to have a duck for a pet? Or, is that just one of the many Suz urban lengends?
Dog, cat, duck in the house? Sounds like a good cage match. May the best pet win...
I did have a duck as a housepet once. His name was AMOK because he ran amuck. He also shti everywhere.
And how is that any different frome the "three" animals living in the house right now (sorry baby youre only an animal in bed).
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