After more than a month of not posting, Not well planned has officially called it quits today (which begins the laborious task---for someone else----of removing her link from the House) and I must admit this is quite disturbing. Not because I was such a huge fan that hers that quitting would leave a huge hole in my life but because her leaving cyber-lit-land is just one more exit in a disturbing trend of exits. Fresh Pepper quit. Be the Boy is on hiatus. Lawdawg is on internet vacation. The Sneeze hasn't posted in nearly a month and Itsnot has become sporadic at best. Even the House of Suz has been teetering on slipping over the edge to lazydom. Has blogging become blasé? Has this fad faded out? If you were thinking of throwing in the towel I think now is the right time, since everyone's doing it. Go ahead lemming, jump.
Oh, and enjoy the second duck shot. I kind of like the subject matter.
Hey, sporadic is all I can support at the moment.
Being a sporadic father isn't an option, and somethings got to give.
Man, I didn't even get a mention...guess that's cuz my last one was in May...being a homeowner is a lot of work. Getting internet at home is the LAST thing on my list...yes, I am at work right now, using my computer in a non-work-related kind of way...
Whine whine whine.....
Wine? Did someone say wine? I could go for a bottle or two of some Pinot Grigio right now...
Stop by the house for a glass or twelve.
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