Onward and upward! I shot this rainbow from my backyard about a month ago (since it's my neighborhood I can imagine the pot o' gold was already long gone, used to buy meth and some malt liquor no doubt) and thought I'd use it as a symbol of renewed hope. We'll just leave it at that unless you want to discuss the "multi-colored frown" aspect of a rainbow.
On to other news, I have been instrumental in the closing of a 10 Mg Ethernet deal and am working on an additional colo and 4 T1 deal as we speak. Customers like me, they really like me. And that's just with the customer I met on Monday. Watch out, I'll be visiting more customers soon.
Had a verbal duel with a redneck from West Virginia about the whole homosexuality vs. predatory sexual offender issue (thank you Mr Foley) and I got to admit I think I won. I had been forwarded an e-mail from this dude, shall we call him Bubba, who attacked a friend of mine who posted a similar comment on a message board. At first Bubba was surprised that my gay friend "knew any girls (yes, he used the term girls) since {friend} is gay". I do have to admit that it took a while for me to respond to Bubba's e-mail as it took several minutes for my laughter to subside and then I had to just shake my head as I dumbed-down my response back to him. Suffice it to say Bubba is probably wondering why he ever learned to use the internet since it delivered my "intolerant opinions" to him, his exact words by the way.
And that's about it for me for today. Storm *show tomorrow night (wonder if I can sneak in a camera----or my camera phone) and if memory serves it's her first show post Rockstar Super Nova. And oh, Our Rusty will be coming in from Seattle for the show! Yea! Where ever's there's Rusty....there's fun! (or something broken) That's Our Rusty!
*Rumor has it she's been hanging out with Dave Navaro in LA a lot, much to the chagrin of his most recent "lady friend". Storm insists they're "just friends".
SHAWNA!!!!!!! I left you a message on your blog!
If she's been hanging out with Navaro, you better get a shot before going to the show.
Happy Rainbow Day beautiful.
great photo... and calling him Bubba just about broke me up!
God's promise.
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