Here at House of Suz "We're the Jesus of Cheeses!"
It has been commented before that the Roommate and I have an inordinate amount of cheese in our fridge at any given moment and I must admit this statement appears to be true. While preparing a cheese plate for dinner the other night, from freshly purchased cheeses just moments before, I noticed this plethera of fomage already in our "cheese drawer" left over from, oh probably the last week and a half and realized we have a dairy problem. We need counseling, and quick.
The Roommate and I have overall similar tastes in food, aside from him not liking what he calls "dirty food" (oysters, livers, mushrooms…) and we both have a weakness for bread, cheese and the ol' oil and balsamic vinegar combo and can easily make that selection of healthy choices a meal (and yes, Mom, I know there's not a single green leafie on that menu, but I'm all growed up and can eat like this occasionally if I like). We have had friends drop by and when we ask them if they'd like to stay for dinner, let me just say they can be a little puzzled by our offerings. But in the long run I'm sure this meal selection is better than sitting down to a double bacon cheeseburger and fries washed down with a chocolate shake, so get off my back. That and the pine nuts will satisfy me. And a couple glasses of Pinot Noir, of course.
This post has been sponsored by the American Dairy Council and the Association of American Dairy Farm Owners.
*This probably looks like a professionally photographed picture that I downloaded from Google Image (and I can see why you'd think that, what with my Google Image obsession) but I actually took this shot in our kitchen. And that's actually our very own cheese----and now that I see it, it looks like we're running low so I got to head over to New Seasons and stock up for the weekend. Boytek will be in town after all. Gotta run. Bye!
Now I'm hungry for a cheesy pine nut sandwich.
I knew that was from your kitchen. Why would you have to seek out google image to get a picture of cheeses. That would be like Santa having to search for a Rheindeer picture or something!
More of the blue veined stuff and less of the creamy, ok?
I like mine sharp, stinky and salty.
hey are you going to wear that red mask for Halloween tomorrow night? If so, will that be the only thing you are wearing? Or will you be wearing over things, other than the mask? These are the things I need to know about.
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