Tonight the Roommate and I will be working on our group Halloween costumes. We are going on the Barfly party bus Saturday night, cruising the dives in East Portland and getting sloshed. Should be fun because the Roommate came up with a fabulous idea involving stuck up, self obsessed sticks and something we'd like a little less of. It's going to be halarious and completely original!
Other than that I got nothing for ya, iamnot insisted on trying to pull me out of my funk and I do feel a little better at the moment. We'll see if that lasts. He's threatening me with visions of shrunk designer sweaters, crippled-puppies-in-buckets-of-water and toast-dropped-jelly-side-down if I don't perk up, so I guess he means business.
Hi, look at me! Stop making me feel guilty.
Take pictures. I gotta see those costumes...
Perk up. That's an order.
Don't make me send my kids up there to give you a little perspective!
Will, guilt is my middle name, being raised Catholic and all.
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