Tuesday, October 17, 2006

Random thoughts

I have lazy eye this morning. My right eye wants to close; the left eye does as well but I think it's just following Rightie's lead. Do you think I had a stroke or do you think Jesus wants me to go back to bed? I keep thinking "All things through Jesus" so I'm leaning towards hitting the sheets.

I hate auto body shops but I hate insurance companies much worse. I am currently dealing with shit ass Safeco trying to get my Jeep fixed from when God threw a big-ass piece of wood at Rufus and hit my car instead. I called the number for the adjuster who is being a dick and got a "this number has been disconnected" message (from a British chick) so I called it again and got a fast busy. Called it again and got another fast busy. So I looked it up in a nifty H&K tool and got the routing number and called that. A different disconnect recording. Fun. I am waiting for a call back from autobody shop for a working number. I am back in "I HATE EVERYONE" mode today. I think I may just kill today.

And now a bit of weirdness:

Last night I had a dream where I was going to meet Boytek and the Roommate at a Rufus Wainwright concert being held in a department store. Somehow I finagled my way to Rufus and hung out. Then he went to the piano to start the concert (the Roommate and Boytek weren't there yet----still) and we realized that most of the audience couldn't see the grand piano because the Lancôme counter was in the way, you see the concert was in the cosmetic department where it really should have been somewhere else, like maybe linens where there was bound to be less traffic. I offered to pull the piano around the cosmetic department while Rufus played, as a joke of course since I felt the situation needed some levity, but Rufus decided to only use an acoustic guitar and serenade specific audience groups one song at a time. Much better idea as each audience member partially got their own private, mini concert. By the time I woke from this dream the Roommate and Boytek still weren't there (probably delayed because they were checking out the shoe department) so I wasn't able to introduce them to my new best friend, a super star. Oh well, maybe next time (i.e.: next time I dream since I have met Rufus TWICE already) and I am sure there will be another Rufus dream as I tend to dream about him about every 4 months. What can I say, I like to keep in touch.


Vivalacrap said...

I think that God will actually give you a stroke to spite you if you don't get at LEAST 12 hours a night...

Gnomeself Be True said...

He is kinda pretty...but that's no excuse for this serious obsession of yours.
Isn't liking Rufus a bit like cheating on the roomate? I'm just asking

House of Suz said...

No, I secretly want both.