......pine nuts are the miracle drug of the millennium; I have lost 4 pounds since last Thursday. Granted, those pounds were recent additions to my frame therefore easier to lose but those pounds were acting like they were ready to sign an extended lease and move their freeloading relatives in as well. Pine nuts may be spendy ($14.99 a pound when purchased in bulk at New Seasons, ridiculously costly when purchased prepackaged) but I even tested their appetite suppressant value on the eating machine that is the Roommate and it worked on controlling his cookie cravings. He's sold on this plan and so am I! As I reminded him this morning: Make sure you put the nuts in your mouth and thoroughly take care of them BEFORE you attempt the burrito.
I read about some study where obese women were given some amount of pine nuts with the equivalent of 3mg of some substance naturally found in pine nuts over a certain amount of time and the group averaged some dramatic amount of weight loss. Ok, so that sentence isn't exactly chocked full of details and statistics but the study was reported in a reputable magazine dedicated to life longevity, I just didn't bother to take notes when I read it, being that I am dubious of anything I read. None the less I was all about trying it out for myself. Who would have thought: PINE NUTS, miracle cure for muffin top. And yes, unfortunately just pine nuts--not peanuts---so if you're like the Roommate and don't exactly like the flavor of pine nuts before learn to like them, he was able to.
Additional information:
I'm adding these links to this post.
Pine nuts to curp eating
Pine nut oil works too!
And this
We at the House of Suz consider this our PSA for the year. We did the research and lab tests so you won't have to! Ok everyone, let's get thin! Let's give Nicole Richie a run for her money and call her a fat slut without chuckling! Cause you know she is.
Are you sure it's just pine nuts you're indulging in? Getting a bit ramble'ing'ly....
But according to the commercial, excess tummy fat is not your fault, it is the fault of that nasty stress hormone cortisone. And for only $15 a bottle, you too can medicate your way to a healthy new you....oh, and I have swamp land in Florida to sell...
How's this for a viscious circle:
I eat pine nuts to make me not eat so I lose weight but then I have no energy to work out but that's ok because I'm not gaining weight so I don't have to work out as much all because I eat pine nuts....
"Make sure you put the nuts in your mouth and thoroughly take care of them BEFORE you attempt the burrito."
That's just dirty.
Okay seriously we are reaching too far after the ephedra ban. Why do we need NATURAL appetite suppresants when we have fake natural ones? Screw it, everyone should sponsor me through med school and we'll all get new boobs.
I'm in Starlet!
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