I found out yesterday that a friend of mine from 20 years ago (from when I lived in Shreveport LA and Dallas TX) that I had actually managed to keep in touch with all these many miles and years dropped dead of a heart attack last week. I'd swear he was very near my age, a little on the heavy side maybe but not enough to die from it. KevDog was a great guy, fabulous party thrower and will definitely be missed, especially this Halloween since Alotta Twat won't be sashaying down the sidewalks of Dallas in a tres chic frock. Fairwell Kevdog, keep the faith.
Let us all raise a jello shot to our fallen comrade, KevDog.
Suz, sorry about the terrible times.
Time will heal you.
cancel Christmas!!! DONE. Best idea I have heard all week. Besides I have to spend it with my FAMILY and I'd much rather spend it drinking jello shots with you. I mean, families are so JUDGEMENTAL about jello shots for the holidays....
I'm sorry sweety, I realy want to bring my boyfriend to my mothers for Chistmas (why did that sound like I have a hiden agenda for distroing the chirstian sanctaty of Christmas or something) but you need to know that youre more than welcome to spend the holidays with my family in fact I would love to meet my mom, and I'm sure she would love to meet my future wife. O the joys of Christmas :)
Sorry to hear of it Suz...it's depressing that we're getting to that age where friends can just start dying without notice.
Starlet, what family wouldn't like this: unflavored jello with pepperming schnappes! So holiday tasting and sooooooo good. Even kids love it!
Fuck it. Have Christmas for Thanksgiving! Do thanksgiving in the spring, and repeat Halloween a couple of times a year because it's fun to dress up in some ridiculous costume and beg for candy!
I'm sorry sweete I thought the roomate told you that I realy wanterd to bring my gay lover to moms for Christmas (did that sound too much like I want to destroy the santity of Christmas or something?), but you were invited (by my mom) to spend the holidays with my family (I mean my mom sould meat my future wife)
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