Last night was "try on red dresses" night at the ol' homestead. Since I got two completely different style dresses I wanted the Roommate's opinion on which I should wear. The first number is strapless (the straps in the photo are the ones the manufacturer sews in to keep it on a hanger), is really dark red and a little on the "bride's maid/Jr prom" side.

It's got the netting inside so it poofs out a bit. The Roommate like it and mentioned I could probably wear it for other occasions, should I ever be in a wedding where the bridesmaids wore the same dress (unlikely!) but I pointed out the "tits popping out" possibility and he agreed that it was a risk with this particular dress. At that point it was deemed a "stand by".
The second dress I purchased is stretchy and has pink sparkles all over it in spite of the "no glitter" edict the Roommate laid down this year. In the past 3 years the Roommate wore the same short red dress with glitter all over it and every year we were cleaning up red glitter for 6 months after the event. Back to MY dress.........this baby has the added comfort and piece of mind that I shall call "shoulder straps" which is the biggest plus of this baby and a trait not available on the "stand by" model. It's clingy and sexy, a little on the short side since I am an Amazon but after trying it on the Roommate agreed that we had a winner.

Extra bonus is a V-neck to show off a little cleavage. The Roommate also suggested that I not wear a black thong under this dress for obvious reasons, I suspect he could in fact see I had one on. That's ok, I got a peach colored one that will work just fine.

The Roommate tried on his borrowed dress and if I could only describe it in one word I would be torn between choosing tight or short. I took a couple of photos of him in it* just to show him and he came to the same conclusion. He runs the same "pop-out" risk since he said his "privates" would most likely make an appearance if he even slightly bent over in this number at the party. Second drawback is that it is also covered in glitter, and I think one glittery dress is all our house can tolerate. He tried on the one I got him and in spite of the tea-length longness of it's skirt, it's the one he's wearing. Fits like a glove, as though it was made for him and if he wants to go mini I can always hem it shorter.
Oh, and if you are wondering when you get to see the photos of the Roommate in the "show us your junk" dress, well don't hold your breath. I deleted those (yes, BOTH of them) as I'm sure to be mysteriously killed in my sleep should I post such a scandalous photo.
Ah, it will be a magical night! And I will be sure to take lots of pictures..........I smell a photo essay!
I can see you out of both of those dresses...have a fun party.
I demand a photo of "The Roomate" showing his junk. I bet you will be able to get one once the Cosmos kick in. As far as the junky photo being scandalous, if ya got it, flaunt it, I always say. I like the color of the prom dress better, but I agree that the possiblities of wardrobe malfunctions are much higher there. can't wait to see the photos from this party!!!!
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