Yesterday after the Roommate and I went to the gym I stopped at the grocery store and got some wine, some sausages and a loaf of bread (three of the 4 basic food groups, I might add). When he got home he said "YOU BOUGHT BREAD? CARBS, HELLO!" and I told him I had heard a radical new theory about eating bread---that you actually didn't have to eat the WHOLE LOAF at one sitting. He didn't think it was funny but I did.
The Roommate and I also did a "dipping bread" taste test last night. Expensive olive oil and balsamic vinegar is noticeably better than their averaged-price counterparts. Unfortunately I have an "averaged-priced" budget. Fortunately the Roommate does not.
Too much green beer makes Erin go barf.
We're having friends in from out of town this weekend. In total 6 adult humans will be crashing at our house, as opposed to the normal 2. We only have one bathroom, which is ok with two people. It's going to make showering, as well as "taking care of personal business", somewhat of a challenge. Factor out that there will be much drinking of alcoholic beverages, thus there will be lots of trips to the facilities. "Get in line, bub!" is the order of the day.
If I don't talk to you this weekend, enjoy your Green Beer Holiday!
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