The Red Dress party is April 1st this year. If you're not familiar with Red Dress it's a benefit event that cost $35 to get in and then it's open bar all night. That's the good part. The even better part (of bad part if you're guy) is EVERYONE has to wear a red dress. This is a picture from the first year.

This is a picture from the 2nd year.

This is a picture from the first year but might as well be last year because the Roommate and I wore the same dresses three years running. I know, SHAMEFUL! So this year we're getting new dresses and I'm dragging the Monk along too.

Last year's party was especially eventful. Last year our friend Pat gave us his VIP tickets so we got to go in at 6 pm (I know, really early for a party, but stick with me) with the other VIPs for the very special version. There was a spread of food that was fabulous, gifties and things like makeovers (in case you failed to apply makeup at home). So the Roommate and I bellied up and pigged out. Problem with that is by oh, about midnight, the open bar became a problem for me. I fell down in the ladies room in from to two drag queens (which in itself is horrifying, but when the drag queens point and laugh, well, let's just say I crawled out of the restroom instead of having to face them) and decided it was time to leave. Seemed like a good idea to me. On my way out I of course grabbed my coat as it was Portland in March, so therefore a bit chilly. Since I was at the coat check I decided to pick up the Roommate's coat as well, since he'd surely forget to pick it up himself. I also decided I wouldn't go find the Roommate to tell him I was leaving because I didn't want him to worry about me and I was going to be a BIG GIRL and take care of myself. So, I grabbed the coats, caught a cab and planted myself in my bed all cozy-like. That was probably around 1 am.
Around 3 am the Roommate calls me on the home phone (had been trying on my cell, which was in the kitchen, therefore I didn't hear it) and he was not particularly happy. Turns out I had not only left with his coat, but since he had on a dress, I had his wallet---including money and ID, cell phone, and car keys in my purse. So he was stuck in the warehouse district after 3 am without a coat, any way to get home and no money for a cab. I'm a GREAT ROOMMATE, aren't I? He finally got a ride with our friend Pat and had a whole ordeal just to get to that point, and when he finally arrived at the house at around 6 am, he burst into my room, flipped on the light and yelled "YOU LEFT ME!" to which I replied "no I didn't" although what other reason could possibly explain my sleeping all comfy like in my warm bed for the last 5 hours, but it made perfect sense to me.
So, moral of the story? Two possible answers:
a) Don't leave all your stuff with me trusting I will stay sober and still be around when you're ready to leave
b) Tuck your money in your tighty whities
Now it's time to go shopping for a new red dress! Visit to get your tickets today.
nobody has to ask me twice to slip into a dress.
Can you imagine the hours of painful waxing it would take to get me in shape for that?
No...even that wouldn't help.
Paddy's sisters used to do that to me too, still do actually.
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