You're probably thinking this isn't that outstanding a shot, but the circumstances are are quite interesting and hello, these dogs bark in Czech! This photo was taken on our trip to the ghetto outside of Prague; we were looking at the old abandoned warehouse behind this fence and were just about to climb the fence to check it out when these cute little puppies charged out of no where and changed our minds. I didn't think to capture this vacation moment on film, but the Roommate did. Not your typical holiday snapshot. (I know I keep threatening to tell the story about the time we took an unguided day trip to Prague's ghetto, but one day I will.)

I love the composition of this shot and it's just an excellent example of what comes to mind when you're thinking about homes in the Hollywood Hills. So very "California". Great curved lines and wonderful color.

I call this one "Bad Dog", and you really don't know which of us is being punished, do you?

Continuing with our "vacations with ghetto visits" theme, the Roommate took this one on the bus in Cancun. Yes, they too have a ghetto, and a Walmart*!

This is one of those hold-the-camera-out-in-front-of-you-and-snap-a-self-portrait shots. Pretty good framing if you ask me.
I have one more shot to add but Blogger thinks I've been piggie enough already and won't let me upload another, so I'll repost.
* I hate Walmart but everyone in Cancun was all a-buzz about it.
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