Four Portland Things:
Four Jobs I’ve Had In in Portland:
Customer Service for a telecom company (only job I’ve had here)
Four Movies About Portland I Could Watch Over And Over (there aren't a whole lot):
Elephant (it was even filmed in my neighborhood!)
Drugstore Cowboy
You, Me And Everyone We Know (filmed in LA but is supposed to be Portland)
Four Places I’ve Lived All Over Portland:
Roommate’s house, the ex’s house. Sarahbeth could fill this up, though.
Four Portland-Themed Shows I Love To Watch:
There are no shows about Portland, unless you count the nightly news
Four Places I Would Vacation At In Portland:
Chameleon restaurant
My hot tub
Doggie park (with Rufus)---see photo above
Kennedy School
Four Portland-Based Websites I Visit Daily:
My credit union site.
My blog, since it's the only Portland based blog I know about.
The Weather Channel site (in the summer I check it every day for rain, since the Jeep top is off all summer)
My work web site
Four Of My Favorite Foods Found In Portland:
Fried chicken at Bernie’s
Lettuce wraps at Chameleon
Acadia's Shrimp Acadia
Four Places In Portland I Would Rather Be Right Now:
In my bed (I am soooooooo hung over today---too much wine with the Oscars)
In my hot tub (ditto)
Watching a movie at Kennedy School
Doggie park (with Rufus)
Portland sounds pretty cool.
That Zen Wizard dude has one of those glowing eyebally you hear about all the time, look in the picture.
The Oscars and the wine go hand in hand. Yet i feel as if Brokeback Mt. got the shaft, excuse my pun.
I saw on the news the other night, something about a huge pillow fight. I thought that was in Portland and I was shocked not to see pictures of you participating.
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