This is installment #2 of my photo essay proclaiming my creative and technical superiority as a photographer (almost spewed tea through my nose as I wrote that one).
I like this photo because of the balanced composition and sharpness/clarity of the shot in spite of not using a flash. Small victories, people, it's all about small victories.

I love this shot because I love Hunter S. Thompson (and the Roommate, too).
I think this photo should hang in a gallery somewhere because of the subject matter (duh!) and the perspective. And because you know sooooo well that Rufus is stalking that doggie in the background.
I like this photo because a) I was drunk when I took it and didn't remember taking it at all, not even when I saw it on my camera the next day and b) because it tells a story.........about a lonely Santa bribing an innocent elf with a glass of grog. Hey, I didn't say it was a pretty story.

Ok, that's all for this installment, but fear not, there's plenty more where these came from!
The light in the first shot is very rich.
Trey makes an excellent Hunter S. Thompson...I think that might be a compliment...but I can't be sure.
Nice shot up the Rufus butt. Yes, I can see the tension.
Ok, first Trey makes out with the dog and now he looks to be making time with an elf. He's a good looking guy. Can't he find a companion of his own species?
Hee-hee, that dog is driving.
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