This is his latest portrait, taken this very morning lit gently by the morning sun. I like the natural light, you see. When it's portrait time he sits up, holds his head high, crosses those long ass legs of his and looks off into the distance, giving a thoughtful pose. For a dog with no patience, he's got a lot of patience.
* Sometimes means very seldom, and only for a few minutes at a time.
Jodi wanted the photo of the Roommate showing his junk, but it's been deleted so instead she can go here to see the "dreamily sexy" photo of the Roommate. I like this shot and make sure you read the comment because someone in New Orleans really liked the shot. The Roommate also is a good poser and an excellent photo subject.****************************
Tomorrow is the FABULOUS RED DRESS PARTY and the Roommate was able to talk a couple friends to don a dress and join the fun. In fact Rusty is driving all the way from Seattle just to wear a dress. We told him last night we had a dress for him but then the Roommate tried it on and I couldn't get the zipper up, in fact at the top of the zipper there were 4 inches between the sets of teeth. The Roommate kept saying "Force it, just force it up!" but the only way to accomplish that would be to remove the low half section of his ribs. So I ran over to Ross and purchased a red dress just for Rusty (in fact it's a rusty red color) and I'm sure it will fit and look lovely. The secret to fitting a man in a red dress is avoid sleeves at all cost, spaghetti straps are best.
You could get some good money for that shot of The Roomate. Beefcakes, anyone? Still want to see some red dress shots, junk or no.
By the way, how does The Roomate feel about you objectifying him in this manner, posting his sultry poses all over the web? Where is the sister shot of your sultry pose? Okay, I really should get back to work.
The Roommate likes the attention and was a little disappointed when he read that I deleted the photos of him and his junk. He said as long as I'd let him OK it I probably could have posted them.
Dude, the Roommate really is hot, too bad I'm not his type....tee-hee-hee
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