I'm just going to have to put it out there and reveal this total shocker: weekends are too damn short, summer weekends in particular. There just never seems to be enough time to get all the fun things I want to do done, there's always something left un-crossed off on my to do list, always the regret that fun was left un-had. Like this weekend, I bought 3 potted cannas and I was going to plant them in the back yard but never got around to it, they're still sitting out in the garden (where the Roommate placed them, I didn't even do that much) in their pots trying not to die of thirst. Another thing I didn't get around to was the clipping of Rufus's toenails so he's still walking round the house making a click click click sound and I swear he looks half an inch taller than usual. I also wanted to ride my bike a bit but didn't get around to that and I don't feel as thought I got nearly enough floating time in Di's pool, but that one's kind of a given. Basically I feel cheated and for that someone needs to pay.
I was at the Dallas Museum of Art once several years back and there was an exhibit concerning this tribe in the African Congo who carve these idols out of wood, which are then planted in the yard. I guess they're not really idols since the figure at the top of the long pole isn't a god, but stick with me here. Anyway, these people believe that any bad thing that happens to them was caused by someone else and therefore revenge is required. Property goes missing? Well someone must have taken it since to their thinking that it the only plausible cause. Since the wronged person probably doesn't know who actually wronged them, the victim needs revenge so to get even he just hammers a nail into the figure on the top of the pole planted in the yard and that small act evens the score. Instant revenge! And that has got to feel good banging away at the miniature human figure with a mallet and a big ol' rusty nail. I love this concept because it's not just used for obvious wrong doings…someone backs into your car, cheats with your wife, steals your pig, anything….it's also utilized in case of accidents and acts of god. Storm knocks a tree onto your hut? Hammer a nail. Flood drags away your cow? Hammer a nail. Kid gets chickenpox? You get the idea.
So anyway, long story short, I need one of these pieces of yard art desperately. I also need a box of rusty nails. And I need me a goddamn hammer, forchristsake, because the weekend's over and I still have fun to be had and also my paycheck is mysteriously missing from my checking account and I only just I got paid Friday---and someone needs a slapdown for THAT one, I tell ya.
Photo provided by Boytek.
Well, that explains so much! L always talks about her Mayflower ancestors...now I know that someone from the Congo must be in that line somewhere.
I've got to get her one of those stick things so she can quit pounding nails in my fkn head!
We should flip it. Five days of weekend and two days of work. I'd need the two days to recoop.
Hey I was writing about museums today too, but in diferent ways.
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