Eddy hooked me up with that site counter thingie, where you can see where your readers are from and who their ISP is and all that fabulous info and I got to tell you it's pretty interesting reading. House of Suz has a reader from Key West. I recently had one from Germany (hope they understand English) and New Jersey and San Diego and Miami and on and on. (One reader was even from the Red Cross, and I just gotta say they should be checking out the weather in Florida and gathering the bottled water and blankets together, not reading this drivel.) Quite a few readers from Oregon----what's with that? Who knows anyone in Oregon? So as you can see there are basically MINUTES of fun to be had looking at all this interesting, interesting data. Minutes, I tell you, maybe even four.
What is interesting though is when one tracks what site one's readers are coming from, what brought them to the blog. Many of you readers give me your readers, the referrals are shown as proof. Variant E, you give me readers. iamnot same thing. Vegas Starlet--sorry, I mean Barbie, Will, Mark, Miss Doxie, all ya'll! Thanks tons for sharing! I also get readers from my PaD site which is mind boggling since I get about 8 viewers for artsy photos like this and this but for crap (photo quality, not subject matter) like this I get over a hundred views. Just proves there's no accounting for taste. Which explains why they eventually land here at House of Suz.
I also get viewers shoved upon my House from Google, but normally I can't find what was googled to get these folks to House of Suz. Someone googled the lyrics to an Aimmee Mann song and got the French Aimee Mann site and also got ME! And that's it, just two sites in all of cyberspace have those lyrics on them. Yep, just me and Aimee, we're thick as thieves.
On an unrelated note:
It's raining here but you wouldn't know that if you looked at the weather channel, which only shows a 20% chance or rain (and it always says 20%, FYI) and this is according to the good folks who should have a handle on that shit. I am at work (re: blogging) in the dungeons recesses of Hugs and Kisses so I have no window access. And it's appears to have been raining. Probably for hours. And my Jeep looks just like this, sans the sun and if you're paying attention, sans the roof. Nice, who wants to come over for a pool party in my glove box? We at the House of Suz are NOT amused.
I actually get a lot of visitors for oregon as well as canada. I take it as a sign that cold, wet people love me.
Stats rock!
Especially the kind that show a world map.
I have four different stat services 'cuz they all have different features and I wanted to test their accuracies against each other.
I use a stat service too. That way I can see the 640 people that signed in to my blog every day. Ok, so 639 of them are me checking the page stats to see if anyone else has ever logged in...
Oh, Variant e, I'm sure they all count........since each time you log in you are a different personality.
my number one google search is the phrase "im from the ghetto homie"
yeah. that is SO classy!!!
Stats are great but terribly addictive! I love to see what people search to find me... sometimes it is totally off the wall!!
BTW I am from Florida... rr something I think! lol
cheers Kate
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