On my way in to work this morning (half an hour late, thank you very much) I hit a donut. Not a squirrel or a bird, but a donut. It was lying in the street and I didn't see it until it was too late, or maybe it's that I didn't recognize it was a donut until it was too late, because common, you don't expect a donut to by lying on the highway, now do you? Oh, and in you're case you're wondering, regular glazed. If you're missing one it's on Hwy 217, just before the Progress exit, east bound in the far left lane. Slight evidence of Jeep tread marks, but it may have puffed back up by now, if it's a Krispie Kreme that is.
Now, because of a recent post of mine some of you out there, the mean spirited at heart, will accuse me of willfully hitting the donut. Please let me assure you that this is not the case. I would never purposely harm a donut, I have no real ill feelings towards donuts, or any pastries for that matter. It was just an accident, wrong place at the wrong time. I am truly sorry and wish to extend my heartfelt regret to the family of the glazed donut. Funeral services will be held tomorrow, at the Krispie Kreme on SE 82nd, 3 pm. The red sign will be on in honor of the dearly departed.
Shit, now I'm craving a donut.
If it were a twinkie, you probably wouldn't even be able to tell you ran it over in the jeep...
Too bad it wasn't filled with red jelly. That would have been more horrifying.
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