Please read this post, silently or out loud, as if you were Mimi Bobeck:
Top 10 signs that your job may suck mightier than an Oreck vacuum:
10. When asked how your workday went you reply "Pretty good, I only cried twice today".
9. You look up your company's mission statement and under "objective" you see: Remember that time you lifted 5 bucks in nickels out of your grandma's change purse when you were 9? This is your punishment, with interest.
8. You actually look forward to the hour-and-a-half long, 10 mile commute home simply because it’s better than being at work.
7. They guy with the plastic pocket protector and center-taped glasses is the "cool guy" in the office.
6. The devil taps you on the shoulder to remind you that your soul is his for another 2 weeks every time you cash your paycheck. Then he does that evil laugh thing we all think is so cute.
5. You find yourself blogging about how much you hate your job instead of actually working. A lot.
4. Your coworkers snicker every time your job title is mentioned.
3. It took a long time to replace the person who had the position before you and they offered you the job before the drug screen or background check, both of which you probably failed anyway.
2. You often find yourself fondly remembering what now sees like a dream job----“tank sucker and cleaner” for Honey Bucket.
1. You have a job.
Baby...you got it bad.
The good news is that, since tragedy is the mother of all comedy...your blog is getting funnier all the time.
Could be worse though. They could shut off internet access, make you go to team building meetings, have employee of the month contests, make you wear a hair net, give you a name tag, make you file TPR reports, hire your least favorite people on the planet, assign you the Republican Party as one of your customers.
I did have the Republican Party as a customer at Asshole company but they were smart and took it away from me. I would have taken their services down "by accident" on a daily basis.
LOL, how about "you have to go to hip hop night twice a week and pretend you like it." ? WOOT@!
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