You know how sometimes there are wacky occurrences in nature, just funny little odd things (kinda like Paris Hilton being famous) that you just stumble upon on your nature walk. Like a big boulder perched atop another boulder. Just really random rock formations like the one below.
And you look at it and think "Damn, that's funny" in a Britney-married-that-dumbass-Kevin-and-can't-stop-having-kids sort of way. Oddities like these just don't happen that much now a days........until you stumble across another, and then you have TWO odd occurrences, and what do you do with that info? I mean, what are the chances and how do your wrap your pea-sized brain around that one.....................
And then you come across more, and damnation, don't that look like it's almost been put there on purpose? Damnest thing.
And then they start looking like they'll slide right off if you so much as sneeze, or talk a little too loud. Or fart. But still they've probably been there for years.
And then there's more of them, all clustered together like shoppers around the grocery store sample table and it gives you pause and you commence to ponder. Was the bottom rock pushed up by some volcanic force and the top boulders just happened to be trapped on top and just happened to stay right there like they were super-glued in place to remain like that for centuries? Or was it an ice flow that deposited the top rocks there during the ice age, but ice flows aren't that meticulous and balance wouldn't really come into play if you were ice going around positioning boulders for affect. Or maybe some ancient tribe heard about Stonehenge and did a little copy-catting, boulderhenge if you will? And then you realize hell, it's Oregon and even ancient people with little to do but hunt and gather wouldn't be ambitious enough to move huge boulders just to make the clearing nice for company. I mean, this being America and all, we have been a lazy people since day one.

And then it hits you and you know what just had to have caused it. Couldn't be volcanic force, because these formations are all right here, together and everyone knows volcanos are forceful all over the world, not just here in the Pacific Northwest. Can't be ice flows, because there was ice all over the world, and again, these are all together right here in Central Oregon. Couldn't be original people (although you have to discount the whole "original" part since they would have to have stolen the idea from the Druids) because of the lazy American factor. And then it hits you and you know you've figured it out.
ALIENS! And they probably got a little help from Big Foot. And I wouldn't be surprised if Elvis had his hand in it, too. Anything to make a buck.
I'm sure the aliens had to do the actual stacking though...them being illegal aliens and all. Come to think of it, wouldn't "legal aliens" be an oxy-moron?
Two words...errosion.
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