I'm feeling a little like the photo here <--------- today as I didn't get a great night's sleep last night. I watched the first installment of the Spike Lee documentary, When the Levees Broke, on HBO last night and didn't get to bed until later than I should on a "school night". Then Rufus and I kept getting awaken by bumps in the night so it was not restful at all. I guess what I'm saying here is don't expect anything great out of me today, it just ain't gonna happen.
I don't know about you but I am pretty good about keeping secrets……..but right now I seem to be sitting on a bunch of them. One's ok, two's manageable, but I have several going at the moment, all rattling around in my head, and it's making me antsy. Good thing I drink because it makes me forget things and then I don't blab them. Bad thing is it makes me forget to not tell stuff, too. Oh, what to do, what to do.
That's why I have Rufus, I tell him secrets all the time and that dog has YET to tell a soul! He's a good boy, keeps his thin little doggie lips tightly sealed…..usually around someone's hand.
For not being a TV watcher I certainly do have a dilemma this evening; Storm is on Rock Star: Supernova at 10 (it's usually on at 9) and the second half of the Spike Lee Katrina story is on at 9 till 11. Oh, what a tortured life I lead! I didn't get enough sleep to be able to really think that one out and make an informed choice.
Maybe I'll just sleep instead………….
First.. Why the heck don't you have Tivo?
Second.. HBO is replaying that Spike Lee documentary about a bazillion times. Watch Storm tonight and Spike later.
I'd watch Spike Lee. I've always liked fantasy more than reality.
steven, I don't watch enough TV to need tivo. I know documentary will be playing later but I want to see it now. Ditto with Storm.
iamnot, you should be watching this one, it's about Hurricane Katrina and the mess in New Orleans.
You don't tell a Tivo evangelist that you don't watch enough TV to need Tivo.
Tivo is for people who have to much of a life to be home when a particular show airs.
It also allows you to skip through commericals if you're watching the show 15 minutes or so after the show started. That means you're watching LESS TV. Almost half of any show is commercials!
Both shows are about Storms...you have a weather fixation!
I hate when I feel cactusy. Is that Spike Lee thing any good? I don't have HBO but I wanna watch it.
I only got to see the first half and it was very good. And disturbing.
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