This is what the inside of my head feels like when I am confused. It feels like this a lot.
I think that if Bush wants to continue with this foolish, deadly and completely out of hand situation in Iraq then he and Dickey-the-face-shooter should either fight it themselves or foot the entire bill from their personal fortunes. Or both.
I did not see my shadow this morning.....6 more weeks of summer!
If one submitts 5 disconnect requests to Hugs & Kisses and they get ONE of the 5 completed correctly.......well let's just throw a fucking party. Somehow I was not surprised at this discovery. JOB WELL DONE GUYS! KEEP UP THE LACKLUSTER WORK!
I am just all broken up and about to throw a hissy fit about Pluto being downsized to a tropical storm. I mean dwarf. This is just an INJUSTICE! Less than 5 percent of the world's astronomers voted on the whole downgrade issue so I think we need a re-vote. Wait, does this mean we can call it a midget now? That would be fun, 8 planets and one Gidget.
Since Pluto is no longer a planet I think we should blow it right the fuck up.
Oh, and while we're at it can we blow up Paris Hilton, too? She bugs.
As I believe you have said before... "A mind is a terrible thing."
As I believe you have said before... "A mind is a terrible thing."
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