Thursday, August 31, 2006
I'm hung over (watched Super Nova last night with some friends---and by friends I mean 4 bottles of wine---so I'm going to let Storm do my blog today. I'm afraid Lady Storm is nearing the end of her 15 minutes of fame, on TV anyway. She was in the bottom three last night (first visit) but she rocked out and bought herself another week. Get her while you can.
Wednesday, August 30, 2006
Feed me................MONEY!

This little guy, also know around the homestead as "mommy's little angel", seems to know how to really get at the Roommate----right through the wallet. Seems this little cutie loves tearing up money into tiny 1/4 inch squares and then scatter the pieces all over the house so the destroyed bills are no longer rebuildable. Seems you've got to tape them together with the serial numbers still verifiable in order to cash it in for a whole, yet equal value, bill. Rufus has been ripping though money since we got him 2.5 years ago and I figure he's most likely eaten through enough money to equal the amount it would cost to replace him with a decent, non-shredding dog, but the new and improved version would probably have some other equally annoying bad habit, like quietly sitting at your feet while you watched a movie or actually fetching a ball thrown for him. Yeah, pretty scary getting stuck with something like THAT? Leave well enough alone, I say.
I can totally understand the allure of dirty, smelly, sweaty money and how wonderfully tempting all those smells are for a dog, I know I wouldn't be able to control myself when I saw a small mound of wadded up bills sitting on the buffet in the dining room. But checks? He chews up checks too, and not just ones filled out for may dollars, pay to the order of the Roommate, which would most like have the scent of whomever wrote out the check---that I could see. He also chews up entire checkbooks, fresh, clean and waiting to be filled out. The Roommate thinks he has an obsession with money, so I say we toss him a roll of quarters and let him go to town.
Oh, here's a thought……maybe he has a gambling problem and he tears up money so we can't tell how much he lost exactly. And the check books, we wouldn't know if any were missing or how much they were written for. He has been hanging out in front of the local bingo parlor lately and I've caught him playing craps from time to time with the cat. I think I'll drop him off at gambler's anonymous on my way to the reservation's casino, I think it's on the way.
Tuesday, August 29, 2006
Self Promotion Day!

Eddy hooked me up with that site counter thingie, where you can see where your readers are from and who their ISP is and all that fabulous info and I got to tell you it's pretty interesting reading. House of Suz has a reader from Key West. I recently had one from Germany (hope they understand English) and New Jersey and San Diego and Miami and on and on. (One reader was even from the Red Cross, and I just gotta say they should be checking out the weather in Florida and gathering the bottled water and blankets together, not reading this drivel.) Quite a few readers from Oregon----what's with that? Who knows anyone in Oregon? So as you can see there are basically MINUTES of fun to be had looking at all this interesting, interesting data. Minutes, I tell you, maybe even four.
What is interesting though is when one tracks what site one's readers are coming from, what brought them to the blog. Many of you readers give me your readers, the referrals are shown as proof. Variant E, you give me readers. iamnot same thing. Vegas Starlet--sorry, I mean Barbie, Will, Mark, Miss Doxie, all ya'll! Thanks tons for sharing! I also get readers from my PaD site which is mind boggling since I get about 8 viewers for artsy photos like this and this but for crap (photo quality, not subject matter) like this I get over a hundred views. Just proves there's no accounting for taste. Which explains why they eventually land here at House of Suz.
I also get viewers shoved upon my House from Google, but normally I can't find what was googled to get these folks to House of Suz. Someone googled the lyrics to an Aimmee Mann song and got the French Aimee Mann site and also got ME! And that's it, just two sites in all of cyberspace have those lyrics on them. Yep, just me and Aimee, we're thick as thieves.
On an unrelated note:
It's raining here but you wouldn't know that if you looked at the weather channel, which only shows a 20% chance or rain (and it always says 20%, FYI) and this is according to the good folks who should have a handle on that shit. I am at work (re: blogging) in the dungeons recesses of Hugs and Kisses so I have no window access. And it's appears to have been raining. Probably for hours. And my Jeep looks just like this, sans the sun and if you're paying attention, sans the roof. Nice, who wants to come over for a pool party in my glove box? We at the House of Suz are NOT amused.
Monday, August 28, 2006
Here I go again.............
I am kind of in love with this band..........
………..but then I do that. I hear one song by someone I previously didn't know existed and then go crazy and buy all their shit. Did that with Rufus, Travis, Aimee Mann (although I knew about her in the 80's when she fronted Till Tuesday, just never knew she did solo stuff). So OK Go is my new musical obsession and this video is what did it for me (thanks Eddy!).
There was a story on NPR lately telling about some study some professor did about "adventure windows" and how they close on when you get older and you end up being stuck in a musical rut. And even if you're still a youngster I know you know these types…..people that only listen to 70's southern rock or 80's new age even though it's no longer 1972 or 1986. Basically they stop being adventurous about music and stick to what they listened to in high school and college and are like that until they play Miss American Pie at their funeral. I (and the Roommate for that matter) are exceptions to that rule, I keep finding new stuff that I like---case in point OK Go--- and I just keep on evolving musically……….and I'm OLD. So I guess maybe age really is in one's head.
And this is good news since I will be celebrating another birthday soon.
My only problem is I only listen to NPR, so I only hear the news stories about shit like this and don't actually hear the new music that I would love if I only listened to it. I need to do something about that, but I'm kind of a news junky. Looks like it's time for rehab.
Sunday, August 27, 2006
Friday, August 25, 2006
Sarah: yeah that is true, although i am on call next friday, i am covering for meaghans wedding aniversary and she is going to cover one of my seahawk sundays
me: That's good. Hard to open trouble tickets from a dumpster.
me: Last night the Roommate and I did one of our bike rides. We rode to a Thai place for dinner and cocktails, then tooled around until we came upon a Mexican place and had a Margarita. The we rode home. We're going to ride to the gym tonight and probably hit Chameleon.
Sarah: thats sounds fun
me: Yup. We mix a healthy activity with drinking. Works for me. My water bottle was filled with Mike's Hard Lemonaid.
Sarah: lol
me: Barely touched the Mike's. It's hard to ride bikes when you're drunk. I want to make sure you saw this comment earlier: me: That's good. Hard to open trouble tickets from a dumpster.
Sarah: yes i did, i laughed out loud
me: Just checking. I didn't want to waste it, was too good.
Sarah: i finally told my co-workers at our little function the story they barely flinched
me: LOL! Do they know you that well? That something like hiding in a dumpster to get into a Seahawks playoff game without a ticket is everyday for you?
Sarah: i guess so
me: That's good. So when you come to work on a Monday with a banana peel in your hair and reeking of garbage they won't look at you funny.
Sarah: lol yes
Hertz donut?

On my way in to work this morning (half an hour late, thank you very much) I hit a donut. Not a squirrel or a bird, but a donut. It was lying in the street and I didn't see it until it was too late, or maybe it's that I didn't recognize it was a donut until it was too late, because common, you don't expect a donut to by lying on the highway, now do you? Oh, and in you're case you're wondering, regular glazed. If you're missing one it's on Hwy 217, just before the Progress exit, east bound in the far left lane. Slight evidence of Jeep tread marks, but it may have puffed back up by now, if it's a Krispie Kreme that is.
Now, because of a recent post of mine some of you out there, the mean spirited at heart, will accuse me of willfully hitting the donut. Please let me assure you that this is not the case. I would never purposely harm a donut, I have no real ill feelings towards donuts, or any pastries for that matter. It was just an accident, wrong place at the wrong time. I am truly sorry and wish to extend my heartfelt regret to the family of the glazed donut. Funeral services will be held tomorrow, at the Krispie Kreme on SE 82nd, 3 pm. The red sign will be on in honor of the dearly departed.
Shit, now I'm craving a donut.
Thursday, August 24, 2006
More Random Thoughts

This is what the inside of my head feels like when I am confused. It feels like this a lot.
I think that if Bush wants to continue with this foolish, deadly and completely out of hand situation in Iraq then he and Dickey-the-face-shooter should either fight it themselves or foot the entire bill from their personal fortunes. Or both.
I did not see my shadow this morning.....6 more weeks of summer!
If one submitts 5 disconnect requests to Hugs & Kisses and they get ONE of the 5 completed correctly.......well let's just throw a fucking party. Somehow I was not surprised at this discovery. JOB WELL DONE GUYS! KEEP UP THE LACKLUSTER WORK!
I am just all broken up and about to throw a hissy fit about Pluto being downsized to a tropical storm. I mean dwarf. This is just an INJUSTICE! Less than 5 percent of the world's astronomers voted on the whole downgrade issue so I think we need a re-vote. Wait, does this mean we can call it a midget now? That would be fun, 8 planets and one Gidget.
Since Pluto is no longer a planet I think we should blow it right the fuck up.
Oh, and while we're at it can we blow up Paris Hilton, too? She bugs.
Wednesday, August 23, 2006
Summer, come back to me....

If you’ve never lived in the Pacific Northwest (pity party for you) you probably aren’t aware of the subtle differences between god’s country and that hell hole you live in. Up here we have a beautiful rocky coast with cliffs toward the north and massive dunes to the south. Your coast is probably just flat and dull---that is if you have any coast at all. We have lush, green mountains and volcanoes (in fact Portland is the only city on the contential US with a volcano within it's city limits, Mt Tabor) as well as high deserts in central and eastern Oregon. Our summers here are glorious, yet painfully short---the rain ends in mid July and starts back up in mid October, so we cherish the sun while we are treated to it. A great part of the summers is that the sun comes up early and stays out well past nine o'clock at night. (The drawback to that is that it sets before 4:30 in December, but we'll worry about that in a few months.) That said, when I got up this morning at 6:00 the sun was not yet out; up until this morning the sun was at least peeking in between the curtains of my bedroom by the time the alarm jolted me out of my slumber. Yesterday evening the sun was setting just after 8. The horror! Winter is upon us, my friends, and for that I'm more than just a little pissed. Insult to injury, the high today will only be 70. Hellooooooooo, it's August! What happened to global warming? I want my summer back, and I want it back NOW!
When I first moved here from Dallas I worked with a ditzy blond who, in her singular moment of brilliance, commented on the extended rainy season, saying "If it was beautiful like our summers all year everyone would want to live here". True dat. I just thing we need to re-negotiate for a slightly longer season, and then make sure the weather sticks to it's end of the bargain. It's the least we deserve for putting up with 9 months of soggy weather.
So if any of you, gentle reader, are from Florida or Arizona and have some extra sunshine and warm weather lying around that you don't think you'll get to, please send it our way. We will not abuse it and we'll love you forever. Hell, we'll let you live here in the summers, too! We'll make room.
Tuesday, August 22, 2006
Prick prick prick...........

I'm feeling a little like the photo here <--------- today as I didn't get a great night's sleep last night. I watched the first installment of the Spike Lee documentary, When the Levees Broke, on HBO last night and didn't get to bed until later than I should on a "school night". Then Rufus and I kept getting awaken by bumps in the night so it was not restful at all. I guess what I'm saying here is don't expect anything great out of me today, it just ain't gonna happen.
I don't know about you but I am pretty good about keeping secrets……..but right now I seem to be sitting on a bunch of them. One's ok, two's manageable, but I have several going at the moment, all rattling around in my head, and it's making me antsy. Good thing I drink because it makes me forget things and then I don't blab them. Bad thing is it makes me forget to not tell stuff, too. Oh, what to do, what to do.
That's why I have Rufus, I tell him secrets all the time and that dog has YET to tell a soul! He's a good boy, keeps his thin little doggie lips tightly sealed…..usually around someone's hand.
For not being a TV watcher I certainly do have a dilemma this evening; Storm is on Rock Star: Supernova at 10 (it's usually on at 9) and the second half of the Spike Lee Katrina story is on at 9 till 11. Oh, what a tortured life I lead! I didn't get enough sleep to be able to really think that one out and make an informed choice.
Maybe I'll just sleep instead………….
Monday, August 21, 2006
Feeling a little cheated today....

I'm just going to have to put it out there and reveal this total shocker: weekends are too damn short, summer weekends in particular. There just never seems to be enough time to get all the fun things I want to do done, there's always something left un-crossed off on my to do list, always the regret that fun was left un-had. Like this weekend, I bought 3 potted cannas and I was going to plant them in the back yard but never got around to it, they're still sitting out in the garden (where the Roommate placed them, I didn't even do that much) in their pots trying not to die of thirst. Another thing I didn't get around to was the clipping of Rufus's toenails so he's still walking round the house making a click click click sound and I swear he looks half an inch taller than usual. I also wanted to ride my bike a bit but didn't get around to that and I don't feel as thought I got nearly enough floating time in Di's pool, but that one's kind of a given. Basically I feel cheated and for that someone needs to pay.
I was at the Dallas Museum of Art once several years back and there was an exhibit concerning this tribe in the African Congo who carve these idols out of wood, which are then planted in the yard. I guess they're not really idols since the figure at the top of the long pole isn't a god, but stick with me here. Anyway, these people believe that any bad thing that happens to them was caused by someone else and therefore revenge is required. Property goes missing? Well someone must have taken it since to their thinking that it the only plausible cause. Since the wronged person probably doesn't know who actually wronged them, the victim needs revenge so to get even he just hammers a nail into the figure on the top of the pole planted in the yard and that small act evens the score. Instant revenge! And that has got to feel good banging away at the miniature human figure with a mallet and a big ol' rusty nail. I love this concept because it's not just used for obvious wrong doings…someone backs into your car, cheats with your wife, steals your pig, anything….it's also utilized in case of accidents and acts of god. Storm knocks a tree onto your hut? Hammer a nail. Flood drags away your cow? Hammer a nail. Kid gets chickenpox? You get the idea.
So anyway, long story short, I need one of these pieces of yard art desperately. I also need a box of rusty nails. And I need me a goddamn hammer, forchristsake, because the weekend's over and I still have fun to be had and also my paycheck is mysteriously missing from my checking account and I only just I got paid Friday---and someone needs a slapdown for THAT one, I tell ya.
Photo provided by Boytek.
Friday, August 18, 2006
Hugs & kisses!
Vacation, all I ever wanted. Vacation all bla bla bla.....
See you soon!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Thursday, August 17, 2006
With apologies to Mr. Letterman........

Please read this post, silently or out loud, as if you were Mimi Bobeck:
Top 10 signs that your job may suck mightier than an Oreck vacuum:
10. When asked how your workday went you reply "Pretty good, I only cried twice today".
9. You look up your company's mission statement and under "objective" you see: Remember that time you lifted 5 bucks in nickels out of your grandma's change purse when you were 9? This is your punishment, with interest.
8. You actually look forward to the hour-and-a-half long, 10 mile commute home simply because it’s better than being at work.
7. They guy with the plastic pocket protector and center-taped glasses is the "cool guy" in the office.
6. The devil taps you on the shoulder to remind you that your soul is his for another 2 weeks every time you cash your paycheck. Then he does that evil laugh thing we all think is so cute.
5. You find yourself blogging about how much you hate your job instead of actually working. A lot.
4. Your coworkers snicker every time your job title is mentioned.
3. It took a long time to replace the person who had the position before you and they offered you the job before the drug screen or background check, both of which you probably failed anyway.
2. You often find yourself fondly remembering what now sees like a dream job----“tank sucker and cleaner” for Honey Bucket.
1. You have a job.
Wednesday, August 16, 2006
Reality TV is nothing like LSD....or is it.
Vote at 1-800-TVSUCKS. We're voting for America!
PS. We love wine! It makes TV go down easier.
Post script: SUCCESS! This post was funny the day after the wine binge! Another first brought to you by House of Suz and the Roommate!
My humble editorial on things that don't matter one tiny bit, actually.

Driving in to HELL (aka: H&Ks) this morning I was listening to a story on NPR about a big ol' meeting of the space nerd/geeks going on in Prague today. Astronomers from around the world are planning to determine the specifics concerning the requirements to qualify heavenly bodies as planets. I know………..I'll give you a moment to catch your breath and wrap your brain around THAT one. Well, I guess I can think of dumber reasons to visit Prague (like mine: party!) but seriously, I thought we had the whole what-constitutes-a-planet thing down already, what with the nine already-agreed-upon planets we have and all. The dilemma appears to be Pluto: planet, yea or nay? One astronomer said he had gotten a ton of hate mail from elementary school children (terrorist threat perhaps?) begging that Pluto not be downgraded to lesser than planet status! Silly children, it's not like being downgraded will impact property values there or cause Disney to rename that yellow dog or anything major like that. The problem appears to be that keeping Pluto in a "planet" status may force astronomers to qualify three other "things" out there as planets as well, including the "mass" pictured here (where I am definitely planning to purchase beach front property---just look at that view!). And to all this I can only say: WHO GIVES A FLYING FUCK? Maybe it's because I'm not into science fiction or maybe it's that we have a few other pressing matters here on earth, oh like all that turmoil in the Middle East, global warming and how I'm going to be able to afford $4 for a gallon of gas soon, that all this planet crap seems just a little frivolous. Even Kate Hudson and the questions surrounding if she and Owen Wilson are "an item" seem a little more interesting than "Is Pluto Too Puny to Be a Planet?". Seriously, maybe this collective brainpower should be used for something more relevant and possibly focused on fixing THIS PLANET (if in fact we decide we actually deserve that term). But that's just my humble opinion, and I've been wrong about way more important stuff before. Evidently invading Iraq was't the huge mistake I originally suspected it would be, so there you go.
Tuesday, August 15, 2006
Where's my Oscar????
So check out the movie, I give it a thumb up (Rufus is holding out since the cat got in the picture and he was snubbed) and support your local movie folk. Good things happen here.
Oh, and where's my danm Oscar!?!?!?!?
More questions....
1) How old do you wish you were?
The 35 range, which just so happens to be my exact age!
2) Where were you when 9/11 happened?
Getting ready for work listening to Howard Stern. I thought his description of the first tower going down was yet another of his tasteless bits until I turned on CNN.
4) Do you consider yourself kind?
Yes, too much so.
5) If you had to get a tattoo, where would it be?
I would never do such a thing………, anyway. I did get one way before it was fashionable and regret it.
6) If you could be fluent in any other language what would it be?
I'd say French but Spanish would be more practicle (shut up, Carol, leave it with French). Or, I don't know, maybe English.
7) Do you know your neighbors?
Yes, and I do have to say I live on a diverse block.
8) What do you consider a vacation?
The time tested beach and cocktail combo
10) Would you move for the person you love?
I should have once a long time ago and didn't, so I would have to say no, doubtful I would now.
11) Are you touchy feely?
Not overly. People have koodies, you know.
12) Do you believe that opposites attract?
Yes, and for good reason.
13) Dream job?
Yes please, I'll have that now. Something creative, where I would either design objects, print material or spaces. And something that doesn't involve me banging my head on my keyboard all day.
14) Dream vacation? A year to travel all over the world with unlimited funds!
Yes please, I'll have that now. Hit every tropical island on the planet
15). Favorite place to go on weekends?
A bar. Duh. It's not just for breakfast anymore.
18) Do you trust people easily?
I would say I appear to but I never really do deep down.
19) What are your phobias?
Heights, and it gets worse with age---maybe I'm getting taller.
20) Do you want kids?
No, not mine or anyone else's for that matter.
21) Do you keep a handwritten journal?
No, but I blog like a motherfucker.
22) Where would you rather be right now?
In bed. Other than that anywhere but here.
23) What is your favorite TV show?
Used to be Six Feet Under until it ended. The only thing I have been watching recently is Rockstar: Supernova, but just because Storm is on it. The second she leaves it's history.
25) Are you paranoid?
No-------should I be?
26) Are you impatient?
I have the patience of Job to a point, then it's all downhill.
27) Who can you relate to?
People who "get it", see the humor in the bizarre, the Roommate. Diane because she thinks adults falling down is a scream.
29) Have you been burned by love?
I tend to be the burner. When I'm done, I'm done.
30) What's your life motto?
I've got two, you get what you settle for and actions have consequences.
31) What's your main ringtone on your mobile?
Boytek put "Let It Be" on my phone over a year ago, and I've got to admit it's getting old.
32) What were you doing at 7PM last night?
Walking to the theater to see "Little Miss Sunshine" with Eddy
33) Who was your last text message from?
From Rusty, it said "I can't wait and it better be dirty".
34) Do you feel accepted by your family?
They're still trying to figure me out but they do accept me as long as I keep my distance (as in they are in Florida, I'm in Oregon). Works for me.
36) What is your favorite sports team?
I don't know, something soccer-ish, because the men get all sweaty and then their uniforms cling to their bodies. Oh my god, I'm drooling….
37) Name three things you have on you at all times.
Chap stick, gum, dog hair
39) How much cash do you have on you right now?
Around $7 American and $35 Canadian. Yeah, go figure.
41) What's your favorite town/city?
Gonna have to say New Orleans.
42) I can't wait till:
I grow up and am responsible.
43) Who got you to join myspace?
I'd rather cut off my arm than be a joiner. As Groucho said, I'd never join a club that would have someone like me as a member.
44) What did you have for dinner last night?
A lovely Oregon Pinot Noir, garnished with salmon cakes and brochettes.
Monday, August 14, 2006
Rock on!

ALIENS! And they probably got a little help from Big Foot. And I wouldn't be surprised if Elvis had his hand in it, too. Anything to make a buck.
Batterbatterbatter SWING, batter........

Rusty called from Florida a few minutes ago to let me know he and his softball team had made it there for their league's World Series ok (what with all the terrorists highjinks and all) and that they cristened the tournement with quite the party last night. Sounds like it looked a little like this only with less fabric.
Hit one out of the ballpark for Portland Suz!
Friday, August 11, 2006
Feel the Hate
Some people dislike their jobs. Some people are bored or do not feel challenged by their job. Not me! I just.............hate my job. I hate my job. I hate my job. I hate my job. I hate my job. I hate my job. I hate my job. I hate my job. I hate my job. I hate my job. I hate my job. I hate my job. I hate my job. I hate my job. I hate my job. I hate my job. I hate my job. I hate my job. I hate my job. I hate my job. I hate my job. I hate my job. I hate my job. I hate my job. I hate my job. I hate my job. I hate my job. I hate my job. I hate my job. I hate my job. I hate my job. I hate my job. I hate my job. I hate my job. I hate my job. I hate my job. I hate my job. I hate my job. I hate my job. I hate my job. I hate my job. I hate my job. I hate my job. I hate my job. I hate my job. I hate my job. I hate my job. I hate my job. I hate my job. I hate my job. I hate my job. I hate my job. I hate my job. I hate my job. I hate my job. I hate my job. I hate my job. I hate my job. I hate my job. I hate my job. I hate my job. I hate my job. I hate my job. I hate my job. I hate my job. I hate my job. I hate my job. I hate my job. I hate my job. I hate my job. I hate my job. I hate my job.
And I also hate donuts.
Thursday, August 10, 2006
Random thoughts..........
Hello Canada!

Dr P (you can tell by the medical cross on his chest, even though it isn't red) saw fireworks of a different nature. Here he is enjoying the deck at a restaurant overlooking the beach.

Unfortunately the parade was a little on the boring side, should have been called the Pride Yawnfest. The lovely folks at Gillette were giving out ladies razors, which was kind of odd as how many lesbians actually shave? Here is the most interesting float we saw, a drag queen doing his "I Love Lucy" impersonation. Wooowoo, that's entertainment.
Our little group actually had two FANTASTIC meals while there, those being a wonderful tapas meal at Tapastree on Robson St (make sure you have reservations) and the best Indian food at Vij's on Granville (they don't take reservations). Be forewarned about Vij's, we arrived around 9:30 on a Sunday night and were told there would be a 2 hour wait----which I figured would be more like an hour, but actually turned out to be just over 2 hours! The bartender did hand out samples the whole time (as it's bad for business if people perish from hunger in their
lounge) and the service was impeccable, although spendy.
So we had a great weekend and are still trying to recover from the non stop partying. Next time I'll plan on sleeping a little more and drinking a little less.
Or not.
Friday, August 04, 2006
iamnot is right, I'm weird.
Me: So, where did you meet your boyfriend?
Other me: Online.
Me: Oh, online dating, huh?
Other me: Uh no, Ebay actually*.
Me: Ebay? Are you serious?
Other me: Yeah.
Me: You got a human on Ebay?
Other me: Yeah, I was the highest bidder.
Me: You're joking.......right?
Other me: Nope, I won the bid. $310, and I gotta tell you at that price he was a steal and there was no way I could pass that up. Short bald, ones with small dicks usually go for way more.
Me: You mean you just picked out a guy, waited to win the bid and put it on your charge card?
Other me: Paypall, actually*.
Me: Oh....
Other me: Of course he was slightly used and you know they lose value the second you drive them off the lot, but still, $310. You can't even touch a pygmy for that price!
* For Michelle.
Bye, ya'll!

I am outta here, going up to Vancouver BC (not Vantucky, WA) for Gay Pride and the international fireworks festival! Dr Phil, the Roommate and I are driving up early tomorrow morning and meeting up with Frankie, Heath and Boytek to party our asses off all weekend. I won't be back till late Monday evening, so don't expect a post till Tuesday but I'll try to take lots of photos and gather some fun stories.
Packing my passport, a vat of vodka and some sun screen! Need me to pick up any prescription drugs for ya?
* Photo taken in Stanley Park a few years ago. Hopefully we won't have any of that foolishness this trip.
Thursday, August 03, 2006
I had a hamster named King of Hearts in high school, I believe. That's kinda weird.
I have been to Intercourse PA.
I've me Rufus twice, the first time here , the second time I haven't blogged about yet. Saving it for a rainy day.
I've lived with 3 men as roommates and 2 husbands……also kinda like roommates.
Speaking of roommates, the Roommate and I got on a train while in Prague and ended up in the ghetto.
I did of course trip on acid in New Orleans, many, many times.
My uncle had a 33 ft yacht that he used to let me steer.
My then 3 year old niece and 6 year old nephew lived with me and the ex for a year. I taught them to be weird.
Will & Grace, yup.
Believe it or not you can cram 8 people into a Le Car, as long as there's a huge sun roof and everyone is drunk. Then the Le Car overheats.
Ford, Hemmingway and Williams all had summer homes in Florida and I've been to all. William's home is still a private residence, if you can believe it hasn't been made into a tourist trap yet.
I did parasail in Mexico and it was pretty cool. Although I could have died---those guys aren't certified or anything, I'm sure.
So that just leaves:
Bartended in a gay bar in Dallas. To which I reply: believe it or not, I've never worked in a gay bar, period. I know, hard to believe, huh? Pretty easy and I even made it the first one!
So yes, iamnot, I guess this proves that I am weird.
Wednesday, August 02, 2006
Everybody's doing it.......
One of these things I did not do:
Bartended in a gay bar in Dallas
Decorated an Xmas tree with a 60' cherry picker in a mall
Had a 3-way with 2 guys
Owned a hamster named King of Hearts
Been to Intercourse, PA
Have only lived with men, no women (As an adult)
Met Rufus Wainwright twice
Been to the Prague ghetto
Climbed the temple at Chitzen Itza
Tripped on LSD in New Orleans
Sailed a yacht
Raised a 3 year old and a 6 year old for a year
Been a "Grace" to more than one "Will"
Had a duck as an indoor pet
Worked as a layout person for a yearbook company
Drove a Le Car with 7 passengers wedged in it
Been to the Moon
Been to the homes of Henry Ford, Ernest Hemmingway and Tennessee Williams
Parasailed off the Mexican coast
Took an airboat ride in the Florida Everglades
Ok, not nearly as exotic as the boys but it's all I can come up with.