Is it just me or is the world coming to a bloody fucking end? Here’s proof:
Fact: More than 2,500 (and yes, that is a two with a comma and then followed by a five hundred, in case you don’t get words as numbers) troops killed in
Fact: Some rapper named Boots Riley has a song on his “Coup” CD titled “Baby, Let’s Have A Baby, Before Bush Does Something Crazy”. That sounds like desperation in desperate times to me. Just saying…….
Fact: I heard the whole-mess-in-Iraq referred to as “an exercise in democracy” today on the radio and I didn’t know if I wanted to laugh, cry or throw up.
Fact: And this gets a bold print WHAT THE FUCK IS GOING ON WITH LEBANON AND ISREAL and why can’t people just get along???? Seriously!
Fact: 100 Iraqui civilions have died every DAY for the last two months because of our imposed democracy. That is also a lot of people. Oh, shall I add INNOCENT people, just like the innocent lives Bush is saving by vetoing the stem cell legislature.I'm sorry, my head hurts. You guys figure this all out and let me know what you think we should do.
I think we should stop voting for Bush. OH YEAH. We didn't the first two times. I guess we're fucked.
It is so obvious what needs to be done. Get your sniper rifle and lets take a field trip to D.C.
Shhhhhhhhhhhh, Jodi, the Secret Service visits my blog!
I say we nuke the whole planet from orbit. It's the only way to be sure.
Our current foreign policy makes me want to throw up. Fuck bush.
There is one thing that I will enjoy about Bush in the future though.....his absense!!!!
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