In November of 2003 the Roommate got me an early Christmas present, this cute little bugger here<<<. When we picked him out they had his birthday on his cage, July 22nd. The minute I saw him I knew I had to name him Rufus, after the Gay Messiah, Rufus Wainwright . When July 22, 2004 rolled around the Roommate, Boytek and I took Rufus to a local pizza joint for pizza and beer to celebrate his first birthday. It was amazing this dog made it to his first birthday since he was……..shall we say, handful. Then, the following January I saw a bio on Rufus Wainwright and it mentioned his birthday was July 22, 1973. I literally screamed out loud and the Roommate came running to me from another room to see what the problem was. My Rufus was born 30 years to the day after his namesake was born. I found this amazing. Forward to this year, just after I met Eddy; I told him this very same story and once he heard the tale, he just laughed. I was puzzled at his laughter---was he mocking me?---until he said "Guess what my birthday is?" and I found out it's July 22nd as well. So in my world, tomorrow is a pretty big day.
Happy Birthday, Eddy! Happy Birthday, Rufus! Happy Birthday, other RUFUS! Whoop whoop!
Well, I've listend to the Gay Messiah a couple of times and still can't develop a taste for his music. And, Jack Russel Terrorist mixes pretty much speak for themselves.
I'm holding out hope that Eddy redeems this day in the long run.
As always though...I'm happy when YOU'RE happy!
Happy Birthday RUFUS!!!
Yes, just Birthday at 29 again! Damn I'm getting good at 'em ;> Happy B-Day Rufus x 2!
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