I don't know if you've been keeping up with Rockstar: Super Nova* or not but our group of friends has had an unhealthy obsession (played at Jeff's birthday party, spanked Leigh over her knee and serenaded Rusty) with Storm Large of Storm and the Balls ("hanging with the balls") for a few years now, so the e-mails went-a-flying once it was announced that she would be on a national TV show and not Jerry Springer. Our Storm is known for some intensely sexual shows and is a pro at putting her hecklers or overzealous fans in their place. She's playing it cool on the show for now (I'm just waiting for her to tell those pompus has-beens off) but you can expect big things from her as the competition progresses, especially if she is allowed to perform her own song, "I Want You to Die". I was going to add a link to a video of that song but it seems she's locked down her web site since she's been associated with the show---probably because of some extremely suggestive photos---so about all you can do on it is check out the comment board or order merch. Anyway, at the end of the "Die" video she interrupts the song to make an audience member bring her the phone he had been chatting on while she sang and proceeds to call her friend in New York on said phone, right there on stage. She leaves her friend a long message telling him about the asshole who dared to have a phone chat while she performed and then added "Call me back at this number because I'm keeping his phone". She then finished the song.
Check her out, watch the show and vote early and often!
*Dumb, lame ass show but we got Storm Love!
I have no idea who this is or what you are talking about, so I'll just leave my first impression as a comment. OK?
Wow, hot chick!
--end comment--
You would not believe how incredibly hot she is in public, and I'm not even a tiny bit attracted to women. I've seen her take a dominatrix and turn her into a kitten. She's got some power, our Storm.
Public? I meant "person".
I can proudly say that I wached the show yesterday and it seams that she needs to put on her rockstar thong and show all those wanabe singers how its done. Tommy Lee said yesturday that her performance was too Brodway like and it almost reminded him of "Cats", and I know she does not do "Cats" (or does she?)
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