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Ah, life is good............
The Roommate was put in charge of our friend Di's pool for the weekend so we took full advantage of the sun time. I am dark now, in some places more so than others as my right hand/arm is a shade darker than the left but I think that's the Jeep's fault. I gotta tell ya, a friend having a pool DOES NOT SUCK, in fact it's probably better than actually having a pool of one's own since one doesn't have all the added responsibilities that go along with one (cleaning, chemicals, repairs, insurance). The hot tub is bad enough and it's a thimble in comparison. The photo is not actually of Di's pool, rather a friend of a friend in LA's pool; that extra degree of separation doesn't suck either. Anyway, the Roommate, Eddy and I sat out Saturday and then again on Sunday with Trey's friend Heather. Only downfall----and you will see it isn't much of a downfall at all----is this is Oregon, and even though it's July the water was a little on the frigid side, or shall I say refreshing? Eddy asked where the glacier that feeds the thing was hidden, but we enjoyed it all the more for it's refreshingness, since it was pretty hot out yesterday. In the sun and all. By the pool, you know.
Last weekend we hung out at the pool and the Roommate needed something from the car so he went out front and on the sidewalk came across a small boy, about 5 or 6 years old. "Are you having fun ssswimming?" he lisped, "I sure wish I could go sssswimming!" he added as a hint. The Roommate told him he would have to ask Di, at which point the boy dropped his head, slumped his shoulders and walked off. Evidently the word on the street is that Di doesn't need any new 5-year-old friends. Poor kid, maybe his mom will get him a sssssslip-n-sssslide and he can barter some pool time. I bet Di'd be up for that.
Hope your weekend was as enjoyable as mine was! If not, hope you have a slip-n-slide.
I still love that picture and wish I'd taken it.
Poor kid!
Sugar, that's Lady Di to all us unworthy of her pool, unless the yellow flag is up.
At least when you get in a pool in Oregon (oh I miss my life in Oregon....sigh) it's actually cold, remember Texas and all it's glory? Pool's are usually warmer than bathwater....It's been over 100 degrees for almost a week here and no end in sight...why the fuck did I buy a house here? Can someone please tell me?
You bought the house when it was cooler. You are not to be blamed.
We'll be experiencing 100+ weather this weekend, but only on Saturday.
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