There is a terrible occurrence in the Pacific Northwest as mysterious as the legend of Big Foot, and that is the dead babies littering the terrain, grotesquely mutilated animals, some so disfigured they are not recognizable. The Roommate gave Rufus his first baby, a furry hedge hog who squeaked when tightly squeezed, when he was still only a pup; the hedgehog met an early and untimely death. Currently there is a plethora of dead bodies littering our home and the grounds surrounding it.

This is the common household frog baby, scientific name froggae; notice the lack of eyes which are always the first to go as well as any other facial feature. This dead baby was found in the diningroom. The poor thing looks eerily peaceful.

This is the very rare "egg baby"; the egg baby started out it's life as a stuffed egg in the hands of a stuffed Easter Bunny and is only a mere 2.5 inches in length. The bunny is long gone, quickly ravaged as are most of the larger species of babies. There is a vast difference between the lifespan of a regular sized baby and that of the smaller versions; this baby is roughly 9 months old. It's larger counterpart, the Easter Bunny, only lasted about 6 weeks; not nearly the longevity in comparison

This polar bear baby was found on the back deck and it is truly a gruesome sight. You will notice how the victim's throat has been ripped out, along with it's eyes. This baby actually got off relatively easy as the nose and mouth remain intact.

The tiny "tweety" or Popeye baby is also very small, only about 4 inches long. As already mentioned, the smaller babies fend much better than the larger babies, this one having only lost an eye. This is a favorite baby of the predator.

The grey bear baby is a particularly slow species and as you can see this one has been decapitated, it's cute little fuzzy head has been ripped right off. The head has not yet been found to this day. It is not expected to be recovered.

Caught in the act. This beast must be stopped and your cash contribution* could help bring the massacre to an end. Give until it hurts.....hurts like your eyes were plucked out, your head ripped off and you downy cotton stuffing splayed across the floor.
This beast, and the killings, must be stopped!
All photographs are genuine and have not been tampered with or altered in any way.
Attempts to satiate that beast's hunger for destruction are like trying to satisfy a school of sharks with a bucket of blood.
Keep him away from my binky!
So jealous. If I ever get a computer at home, I have also taken similar pics and had planned on doing a similar blog. Damn the luck!
Very clever though, my idea wasn't quite the same, but close!
Beanie Babies everywhere are trembling in fear even as we speak!
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