Sunday, January 15, 2006

Realization Hell

I have come to realize that my career path (said with a straight face) has come to a dead end. And not only have I hit the glass ceiling at the pone/internet/network services company I have been with for 7 stupid years, but now I find out that the Roommate brings home almost as much on unemployment as I do slaving away babysitting largish internet and dialtone customers for 40+ hours a week. And although being unemployed is unpleasant and stressful, sitting at home for 8 hours of daytime TV and occasionally checking on job postings sounds a whole lot sweeter than being bitched at because the OC3 crossconnect at One Wilshire isn't fished or the directory listing isn't the way you wanted it, even though I ordered it exactly the way it was requested. I mean com'mon, I went to art school for this?

Oh, wait, I didn't go to art school for a career in telecom. My bad.

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