Are you, gentle reader, aware that my dog Rufus is POSSESSED BY THE DEVIL HIMSELF?

When we first got the little angel he was the sweetest thing ever but then the realization that he did in fact rule the house dawned on him and he became a holy fucking terror. Chewing anything he could fit his choppers around, barking, jumping up on unsuspecting guests and becoming a general pain in the ass. The worst was his biting. He'd bite me when he didn't get his way so in an attempt to wrangle him in I started smacking him on the nose, just as a small correction. Well, that Rufus is a smart one and he figured out pretty damn quick that we were a HITTING HOUSEHOLD, not a biting one at all as he had incorreclty suspected from his limited exposure to only dogs before living with us. So that little ratbastard started hitting me with his paw when he didn't get his way or if I hit him. Can't you just hear his little doggie voice yelling "......but SHE hit me FIRST!" So the Roommate put his foot down and demanded that I send that cute little 18 lb ball of fur and fangs to DOGGIE BOOT CAMP. A full month of nothing but sleeping in a semi-outside kennel and intense training was bound to do him good. So after a month of carefree travel afar (Canada, Mexico, Prague and Key West) I returned to Camp Doggiebisket to pick up my darling pooch (now a good 22 lbs and long, skinny legs like his mommy's) with his newest accessory, a remote controlled shock collar.

Works wonders when it's on him, only problem is he knows the pain is caused by a combination of a) collar actually on him, b) remote control in your hand and finally c) loud threatening-to-actually-USE-the-remote screaming. That was when he was 6 months old; he's a big boy now and has calmed down a bit at the advanced age of 2.5 years---don't get me wrong, he still chews money, matches, shoes and is an expert sock theaf, but he's easier to live with. Don't ask the Roommate, take my word for it. He's calmed down but now he's sneaker, actually. He keeps that wall-eye on my hand ever on alert that I'll reach for the remote.
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