I need to introduce a new character in my blog world, and he is quite the character at that; he will be known here simply as "the Monk". He brought me flowers (one of which is pictured here) on our second date (and the first date lasted all weekend) and is funny, kind and extremely interesting.
He's a real sweetie and he's just now reading my blog for the first time so if you hear a high pitched scream, that's him running for the hills.
So, seeing a monk has tons of fun aspects to it, besides the obvious connection to the "big guy upstairs". There's the fun things you get to say like in response to.....
"Hey Suz, what did you do this weekend?"
"Fucked a monk. You?"
It takes a special person to go toe to toe with the Roommate, and the Monk is a worthy opponent; the Monk is quite funny and very quick with a witty reply. The other day when we were hanging out at a local tavern with some friends, the Monk left the table to make a call on my cell phone. The Roommate immediately started giving me the third degree, he's all "do you like him?", "does he like you?", etc etc and the Monk walks back to the table and says, in that very attractive Australian accent of his, "You should wait until I get farther away from the table before you start asking those questions----and yes, he does like her, a lot."
So unless I run this one off as quickly as all the others, I have a feeling you will be hearing more about him.
The Suz is impressed---and a bit smitten.
Hi Suz, Remember me? I must say you lead a charmed life. I wish I could utter the phrase "I fucked a monk".
Keep up the good work!
"I fucked a monk", well I'm going to have to now seek out some random man, that has/does something interesting so I can blog about it.
And I saw what you wrote on Jodi's blog about my blogging, I'm trying to get better, I really am!
I doubt it will be daily, but trying for at least 3 day increments.
I have thrown down the gauntlet.
I was only giving you a hard time with the blog posting. It's tough to get started.
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