Finally! Today I feel human! Sorry I hadn't posted the last two days but I was besieged at work and had a sinus headache from hell the last two days. Finally, I can move my head a millimeter without blinding pain. I see a light at the end of the tunnel---of the flu, anyway.
I had the most clever idea for a post while sitting in a training session today (IP-VPN anyone?) but along with the drowsy feeling of sitting in a darkened room with a steaming cup of tea, the idea has also vanished. I guess this is a sign of the aging process getting a leg up and I'd be the last to argue that one. The one truth in this world is that no one is getting younger, and that means you too, Joan Rivers. Damn, and if memory serves, the post kind of wrote itself. Miss Lazy just can't get a break.
I don't have anything else for ya, so enjoy the photo of Rusty (one of my biggest fans) and have a decent evening.
1 comment:
Glad you're feeling better, schweetie pie
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