I had grits this morning. I loves me some grits and that along with even knowing what they are is a pretty good sign that I was raised in the south. Deep south that is, since the Roommate was born in Kentucky and us Louisianians consider that damn near Yankee country. Grits with butter, grits with cheese, grits with just salt and pepper, I love them all.
Up until recently I was embarrassed to admit I was from Louisiana, in spite of the Cajun cuisine craze and sympathy for Katrina victims. There has always been a link to being an inbred moron etched in my mind with anything associated with the states that border the Gulf of Mexico (except Florida, I excuse you from my group bash) and I have always avoided mentioning where I spent my formative years for fear of being snickered at. After all, Louisiana gave us David Duke, Edwin Edwards and Britney Spears, each and every one reason to be embarrassed for the state I lived in the longest. But in recent years I have grown to embrace my southern heritage for some reason, maybe it's maturity, maybe it's because I know I got a lot of character from growing up there, maybe it's because I realize morons are everywhere and just not restricted to the state shaped like a boot. Yeah, it's probably the latter because dufuses are everywhere. But now I realize that being from the Pelican State has given me a lot of character and I do make some badass Jambalaya. And besides, Texas is more embarrassing since that's where our mental giant of a crooked President came from. Wake me up when he's impeached.
So where do y'all hail from? What location made all y'alls who you are today?
Big bowl of grits...two eggs over easy...butter...salt...pepper.
Cut it all up in the bowl. That's good eats!
I LOVED Edwin Edwards! Now THERE was a Democrat I could vote for. Sure he was crooked but everyone knew it and even he hardly denied it.
I remember one time, there was a scare about the safety of the crabs they were pulling from the gulf. Edwards invited the media for a crab boil to show them that everthing was safe. He welcomed them all, told them to enjoy their meals, then made his excuses and LEFT before eating. D'ya think they got the message?
He was an old Southern style crook. He had panache. Not like his useless cronies that are in office now that he's in jail....
See, something to be proud of!
Oh and you forgot to mention A-Train! http://mothandflame.blogspot.com/
I remember when Edwards was still in office and was the subject of a 60 Minutes story. Mike Wallace asked him if it was true that he sold government positions for twenty thousand dollars and Edwin laughed and said it wasn't true. He actually admitted on camera that the cost way more than twenty grand. He was SO crooked. The New Orleans World's Fair was the only fair in history to not turn a profit....all because the graff and kickbacks. Pitiful.
I was born in Virginia (navy brat), moved to Oregon (Medford/Jacksonville) when I was 1, moved to Texas (DFW areas) when I was 12.
Just because I chose to stay in Texas, doesn't meant I worry about people associating ME with that moron we call a president.
Yes Suz, I know you put that in there for me.
I never thought I'd get so empassioned about people slamming Texas, but for some reason I do. Not all things from Texas are bad, and living here doesn't suck all that bad either, it's nice an central when flying. 2.5 hours to San Diego, 2.5 hours up to New York! Gotta love that!
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