Another one of those math problems from an actual test turned in by some student in Louisiana. This genius must have really flown through the exercise.
I have been able to keep off the few pounds I managed to lose while suffering from my illness but I have also noticed that I have had little energy and have been going to bed around 9:30 most nights. I think I'm not eating enough, possibly. Or I could just be lazy. Or old.
A couple good days of weather and I'm surprised when the rain comes back and the temperatures drop. You'd think by now----my 9th winter here---that I would come to grips with warm, sunny weather not realling being here for summer until July. Some people never learn.
I'm puzzled with what to make of sex offenders like this one, or rather what to do with them. We put them in prison when convicted with somewhat lesser crimes and am then surprised when they get out and continue to be sex offenders and add in additional skills, like kidnapping and murder. Evidently there's no cure so should we always lock them up and throw away the key? I'd hate to be the person(s) who paroled him on his earlier charges.
To this I say "who gives a flying fuck?"....and I will continue to do so. Game over, go home---once you are let out of rehab that is.
x = 5
Would you think me cruel if I burried the guy in trash bags without even a stuffed animal to keep him company?
Can anyone who's ever held a child that was hurt or scared not imagine what her last horrible minutes were like?
Why is he still alive?
Let me kill him...please.
Gold star to iamnot, but the correct answer is X is where the arrow is pointing. A trickier question is "find cm".
haha kids in louisiana clearly just have better senses of humor than elsewhere. dude i wanna be that kid's friend.
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