Juno shut down because of snow. Alaska? Snow? Who'd have seen that coming. Duh.
Seals in the rivers of Oregon eating endangered salmon. Salmon is yummy and seals are….well, seals and probably hungry. Seals don't do drive-thru. Duh.
Bush cutting infant's Federally funded health care if parents aren't citizens. But if the babies are born in America they are citizens. And if they're citizens, when they grow up they can be sent off to fight in Iraq, which I'm sure will still be dragging on in 18 years. So if they die as infants because they don't get the proper medical care, then they can't fight and die in Iraq. Bush needs to re-think that one. Or come up with an exit strategy. Duh.
Headline: Jury convicts Libby on four of five charges. And to that I give one last huge DUH!
Here's another test question and answer brought to us by the good folks of some school board in Louisiana, just like yesterday's.
Enjoy. I love the teacher's comment. (click on the image for a better view)

That sounds like an answer I might give in high school...my mom was my anatomy and physiology teach ermy Jr year in HS....and I'm pretty sure I wrote some interesting essay tests...
What does the first thing the teacher wrote say? I can't make it out...but "oh dear..." is pretty funny!! I hope that kid got an A+
/bark bark bark
thanks for the art movie tip! i will see if i can locate it. never heard of ray johnson. but
i see you like lynda barry. grrrrrrrl i cant stand to look at the drawings! reminds me of r crumb that way. give me calvin and hobbes any day. i do love me some aimee mann though. save me.
thanks for stopping by
*sigh* And those people get to be journalists. Pfffft.
K9, Ray Johnson was an odd one, that's for sure. It is suspected his greatest piece was concocting his own suspicious death. If you can find it you should definitely check it out. Just writing about it makes me want to see it again, but I am a freak for documentaries…
On, and Lynda Barry's novel, Cruddy, is weird and really engaging. I guess you can say I have tastes that gravitate to the odd.
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