I watched "Jesus Camp", a documentary about children being indoctrinated into Evangelical Christianity last night and found it very interesting. I really should use the word emotionally blackmailed into Christianity instead of "indoctrination" because their tactics are kind of harsh. The leaders of Jesus camp pretty much make the kids feel that if Jesus isn't talking directly to them, well, then they must be doing something wrong because just look around you. Jesus is talking to all the other kids. "I must not be trying hard enough" or "I guess God doesn't love me enough yet" seems to be plastered on their poor little faces.
I could say the kids are being brainwashed because their pat answers and preachings are memorized drivel. When the kids are presented with a subject they haven't been coached on they certainly falter as they appear to have no original thoughts to process or reasoning to use as a back up to form an opinion. They stumble until they can wrangle the question on to familiar territory. The pro life segment is particularly painful to watch; if memory serves the photo shown here was taken from that little segment.
The interesting thing about the film is that it isn't a slam on the Christians, their beliefs or tactics. It's a pretty straight-forward documentary, not biased either way. I am willing to bet that any Evangelical Christian watching it would be pleased with the end product (with the possible exception of Rev. Haggard's crank-induced preaching/gay bashing. But come to think of it, probably not). Funny how two completely different opinions can be obtained from the same film. The chasm between the believers and those of us who are heathens certainly is evident when watching the Christies wrestle with subjects ranging from abortion, home schooling (75% of home schooled children are Evangelical), George Bush all the way to homosexuality. I pity the poor kids in the audience who will have to confront their own homosexuality in a few years after the exposure to this set of beliefs.
Religion is an incredible source of power in a culture...for good, for evil, for whatever. Like any other power, it all depends upon who wields it.
It could have been worse. At least no one was teaching them how to strap on a bomb covered vest.
I heard that movie was hilarious. I make sure and tell my kid every day that satan loves her.
Actually I had a babysitter taking her to church camp without telling me last summer and I didn't find out until she came home with some "mother daughter bible" and wanted me to read it to her. I had to tell her that cat in the hat was much better than the bible.
I'm a heathen.
Starlet, I'm with you on that one. Dr Seus teaches you "A person's a person, no matter how small. The bible tells you to hate homosexuals. Hmmmmm......that's a no brainer.
Where do you get said documentary? Blockbuster?
Organized religion scares the ever loving shit out of me.
Me too, I prefer the disorganized variety.
When I want to have the kids clean their rooms I always put on my Jesus costume just to scare them into obeying!
We have those zealots right here in town. We call them The Nazarenes. And they are multiplying, for cripe sake!
I like Lee's thoughts.
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