I realized it's been a long, long time since I posted a shot of my little cutie, Rufus, so I thought I'd go ahead and add one to this random post. Mommy's little angel! And the cutest boy in the world with his gumdrop nose and longest eyelashes in the world!
I will be ever so glad when all you newbies at the gym cave in and just give up on your New Year's resolutions, already! I work out at the gym religiously (and by religiously I don't mean just on Sunday, about 5 times a week) and every January it's the same thing, hopefulness and conviction is quickly replaced with apathy. In a few weeks I won't have to search for a parking space or wait for an elliptical trainer. All will again be right with the world.
The rain is starting to wear on me. You'd think after 8 seasons and a recent trip to Florida that I'd be ok for a bit. I need a trip somewhere warm sometime soon (wink wink).
I have come to realize that the vast majority of movies released this year were crap. Simply crap in the crappiest sense of the word. I enjoyed Little Miss Sunshine and Half Nelson, but those are the only two that stick out for the year---stick out as in not wracking my brain or looking up what was released this year to jog my memory. And this is of the ones I've seen anyway, I still need to hit Dreamgirls.
Ok, that's enough randomness for the moment. Hopefully I'll come up with something a little more engaging next time. Stay warm, be good, and spay and neuter your pets. Rufus is glad we did!
what are you talking about? Snakes on a Plane was an awesome movie, Suz.
So I have heard, just haven't seen it yet. I'm waiting till it comes to Kenndy School---$3 and I can drink wine.
"Charlotte's Web"
"Over the Hedge"
"Open Season" (in 3D!)
All great movies. YOUR problem is that you don't go to the movies with two silly little boys.
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