Wednesday, January 17, 2007

Erection Day

The Roommate and I were out running errands the other day when we came upon the erection of a HUGE IKEA sign along Interstate 205. We had heard there would be the addition of a the store of all things wonderful with ridiculously made up Scandinavian names in our area but until the sign showed up we had no idea where the House Of Fabulousness was going to reside. Now we knew as the spot was marked with the largest sign I have ever seen, in fact you can see it from Vancouver, Washington, but I digress.

It had been announced that Portland's IKEA would be opening in spring of '07 but looking at the construction site I'd find that hard to fathom. The only thing there is the foundation for the building, the parking lot and the sign, so the Roommate wondered out loud if the opening would be pushed out considering the lack of a building and all. I told him not likely as the construction of an IKEA involved a large flat box with random letters and an umlaut or two being trucked into the site and the entire building would quickly be assembled from it's contents. The Roommate added that the construction would go smoothly until the very end, when the workers would stand around scratching their heads wondering where that one remaining left over screw was suppose to go. Or the allen wrench that doesn't match any of the screws. Because that always happens with IKEA products, always a random part left over; there's probably a person at the IKEA mother ship that is assigned the task of adding one unnecessary piece to each IKEA kit, just to confuse their stupid American customers.

I can't wait till it opens.


Gnomeself Be True said...

"Erection" day...teehe, teehe....

Shawna said...

IKEA rocks, I love that place. Although ours has been open for over 2 years now, and it's still a madhouse when you make the trek out there. It's WAY out...but I sitll love it and all it's extra parts.

Vivalacrap said...

I'm pretty sure if I stand on my roof I can see it from Vegas.