I was going to wrap up the Key West photo essay today but I realized I only had one shot yet when I sat down to attempt it. Oops! But what the hell, here it is along with a few other shots to round out the year.

Ok, fast forward to Christmas Eve at the Seahawks game. Rain, wind and good times all around.

Here's a shot of Jayson and Katie at the game. Yes, there's a stuffed animal on Katie's hat. Don't ask, we were drinking. Duh. Great Xmas Eve, just wish I could remember all of it, especially when I fell down.

I know I told you that the Roommate cannot take a bad photo, but lookie here. Lucked out even though he did it on purpose. Jesus, are my eyes closed in this shot? Who'd a thunk it?
Happy New Year!
Happy New Year!
Hey, that one is a great shot of you. Looking hot as always I see.
Why thank you, thanks for noticing!
Katie must be very pleased with a tongue like the one Jayson's got on him.
Maybe Katie should consider that, they're just friends.
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