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Another Rufus stalking event missed! Curses!
Anyone who knows me at all or reads this blog knows I's loves me some Rufus Wainwright (yes,I named my dog after him, I'm that much of a tardfan) and if you don't know that I am his biggest fan then you simply have just not been paying attention. I've seen Rufus perform in Portland 4 times, LA twice and once each in San Diego, Santa Barbara, Seattle and Vancouver BC. Well, one of these days I will tell you the story about the second time I met Rufus---yes, in person! Once in LA and once in Vancouver--- but in the mean time just get a little more jealous of my star elbow rubbings since I also met Alan Cumming at that very same second meeting. And Alan was meeting Rufus for the very first time, in fact Alan cut line in front of me but I'm not bitter or anything. So anywho, I'm wondering.......why was Rufus Wainwright invited to Alan's wedding this past weekend and not me? Maybe Rufus called me, wanting me to be his date and I didn't hear the phone ring or I ignored the call (cause I kinda do that) or something. Danm, what shitty luck! I missed my date with destiny! I need an answering service because I am a starfucker. Well, not the fucker part per say, but you know where I'm going with this. I hang out with the beautiful people, you know, and all that. I mean something.Best wishes and good luck to Alan and his strapping young husband!
You are very strange my dear.
You're just NOW figuring that out?
So do you think you can turn Rufus straight? You know, that normally doesn't work out too well... ;)
On the grey scale of gay to straight, Rufus would be hugging on to the very end of the gay side so I would really have my work cut out for me with that one. I think I'll pass and adore him from afar.
sorry you missed allan's wedding. it was fabulous. the brides looked gorgeous.
chatted with rufus extensively. we ended up doing it that night and we are now engaged!!
isn't that exciting?
maybe he sent you an email and it ended up in your spam box?
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