Since the Roommate is officially 40 years old today, I suspect we will see him in this condition more often as old people need losts of naps. (Please note the coma-inducing cookie crumbs on his chest). When I first posted this photo on my PaD site the caption read something to the effect of "The Unabomber sleeps after snacking on oatmeal cookies" or some such goof.
It was brought to my attention that our buddy Bart was not given credit for the photo yesterday of our Commander in Chief and his attraction to corn. Bart was indeed the one who found the photo and I apologize for not listing him in the post with the credit so rightly due him. Bart would also like everyone to know that he has actual porn photos of Prez Bush posing with that same corn cob as well as photos of nude fat chicks straddling pizzas. Bart also requested that I mention that he drinks at work.
And finally, a shout out to Our Rusty, Hey dude! Just wanted to let you know Rufus Wainwright will be at Coachella on April 27th and I plan on being there!
Rufus at Coachella, too?!?! This is going to be the best show ever...
You bet your sweet bippie it is!
The water at your mouse must be hooked up to the fountain of youth.
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