Eddy and the Roommate (a new sitcom on NBC, Thursdays at 8!) planned a group outing to Eddy's cabin at Three Rivers for my birthday weekend and managed to keep it pretty much a surprise from me. A three day weekend of drinking, days on the beach and over-eating. What more could one ask for?

Rusty gets last minute instructions on how to drive the boat. Luckily it was the weekend after Labor Day so there were very few boats on the lake, therefore no need to alert the authorities.

Lest you think it was all innocent fun and games, get a gander at this. My camera is a little slow so we just missed Miss Tammy flashing her taa taas but we did manage to see the whites of Rob's full moon.

Speaking of inappropriate things, what's the Roommate up to?!?!?! Hey, some people were planning on swimming in that lake!!!!!!!!!

As it turned out the Roommate had spilled a bit of salsa on his brand new Diesel pants [with more pockets and loops and latches than a normal person needs anyway]. But that's what the selzer water is for, cleaning the stains.
haha I like the girl napping on the picnic table. Very resourceful.
Napping will happen when the party from the night before ended at 6am and then the next days started at 8am.
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