W T F ? ? ? ? ? ?
I am still not beliving this.
It just does not make sense.
I mean, none of us wanted her to actually front that band of no-talent has-beens, but seriously, W T F ? And that's not sour grapes, she's too good for this lackluster bubblegum rock band, I seriously doubt there'll be any serious music coming out of these jokers.
In case you haven't heard (it was on OPB---local NPR station---news this morning, after all) our Storm was booted off Rock Star last night. I am just not believing it! She did such a kick ass job on Tuesday and all. The band told her that her original song was the best one, either season. The biggest tragedy is that talentless one note skank, Delana, is still on the show. This after she threw a 3rd grade hissy fit, broke a wine glass and cut Magni's head open with it and then had a meltdown. And last week she gave us a substandard with a little Yoko Ono channeling thrown in to add insult to injury. Anyway, I'm rambling....
I'm to upset to deal with this right now. Watch her performance from last night for yourself and you be the judge. Guess we won't be going to Dante's to watch the finale next week. Actually guess I won't be watching the finale at all, come to think of it.
Ridiculous that Storm got voted off before that worthless other gal and that horrible Lucas guy. Clearly a popularity contest and Portland isn't a big town...
Oh well, she wouldn't want to have to front for them anyway. We'll see her with a record deal very soon...
OMG my barback is totally obsessed with this show that he actually LEAVES work to go watch it at home because we disturb him too much making him WORK if he tries to watch it at the bar. Also, if he doesn't get to go home he acts all pissed and then calls home every 5 minutes to find out what is going on. He wants Lucas to win.
I know way too much about this show that I have never watched. I'm a Nip/Tuck gal...
The only reason why I'm disappointed about last nights decision is because we won't get to see Storm on Rock Star any more. She was one of their most talented contestents.
The reality is that she's so much better than that band. This show was a great way to get her name out there. Now let's see how long until Storm and The Balls are on the radio nationally.
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